My mom has been a life long liberal however, in 2016 kind of shut herself off from politics. She basically is just ignorant to all of this stuff and only has a short tolerance for me sharing things with her. I am trying to find articles or anything that I can send her to assist her peaking. I don't want to overwhelm her because she will then not look at anything else I send. Do any of you have suggestions on something short and factual that I can send her as a starting off point? Thanks in advance!!!
Edit: To add some more context/information regarding my mom and our dynamic - I am a mother of 2 in my 30's and my mom is 71, she is more of the mind state that if its not affecting you personally why do you care and why are you worrying about it. She is also more of a uptight/serious person and wants strong factual evidence for anything. She will not watch TV, documentaries, etc.