[Deleted]November 29, 2023

Look at what this fucking AGP is wearing to address government officials. His store bought tits gets him an invite while her doctorate leaves her literally silenced and marginalized. I am so sick of this crap.

JehaneNovember 29, 2023

Now imagine a woman shows up like that to any function; the comments would be nasty, misogynist, she'd be shamed, and no one would take her seriously. Hell, when Angela Merkel dared to wear a gown with a bit of décolleté, she was shamed as if there was no tomorrow - "she's too old for that, it looks awful, how on earth can she do that yadayadayada". But if a man does it, he's brave and stunning and we're supposed to worship him.

befanaNovember 29, 2023

No German woman would ever dare to show up like this AGP in a professional or political setting. She would immediately lose any credibility. It is such a shame that this guy is still a valued member of the Green Party and a member of the German Bundestag.

itsbananasNovember 29, 2023

A man is a man is a man is a man is a man

interventionNovember 29, 2023(Edited November 29, 2023)

Oh, patriarchy's new dress code just dropped, how lovely.

Germany's government has lost the plot, and all the female politicians happily clap along to the TWAW chants while throwing their feminist sisters under the bus.

Edit: the most worrying part however is of course how utterly undemocratic this "discussion" progresses. Critics are silenced and their statements are ignored.

itsbananasNovember 29, 2023

The awful wig lol

PtarmagantNovember 29, 2023

That outfit!

interventionNovember 29, 2023

That man!

itsbananasNovember 29, 2023

That’s a peak 2016 clubbing outfit

chocolatefondant21November 29, 2023

How was he even let in the building dressed like that? This is so fucked.