GC Social MediaHerterodorx Podcast TIM claims he coined the term GC in 2014 and started the movement
Posted December 5, 2023 by penelopekitty in GenderCritical


All I can say about this is the audacity is off the charts.

Radical feminists have described themselves as gender critical for decades and to my knowledge r/gendercritical existed in 2013 and was created by radical feminists.

Just another example of men taking credit for the work of women.


[Deleted]January 15, 2024

I'm sure Epstein has people on his list he didn't even meet, but Hawking is no suprise. Cheated on his wife, has been rumoured to buy prostitutes ("scientists and prostitutes are the only ones doing what they enjoy" official quote by no other than the shitbag himself). Thanks for all the scientific development, but nah, he's nobodys' Nigel

VestalVirginJanuary 15, 2024

Cheated on his wife? Wasn't he paralyzed from the neck down? Takes a LOT of criminal energy to cheat on his wife. (I mean; I don't buy those "it just sort of happened" excuses from adulterers anyways, but it is especially implausible if he'd have to have carefully planned the execution of the, uh, act itself in addition to keeping it secret from his wife.)

That quote alone proves that he's no innocent lamb, even if he didn't rape girls on Epstein's private island.

[Deleted]January 15, 2024

Yup! Also known to love going to strip clubs. Paralysis does not change a man's brain (i.e. desire/potential for depravity).

WrennJanuary 15, 2024

Yes he left his wife, who stayed by him as he became disabled, and his three kids to move in with one of his nurses.

No doubt there were several other affairs

He divorced that nurse as well

HalfMentalAlchemistJanuary 15, 2024

The list is heavily misunderstood. People are treating it like everyone on it is a criminal and not just a social network.

somegenerichandleJanuary 15, 2024

I agree but, the fact there is a photo of him receiving a massage from one of the underaged victims i feel is pretty damning that he at least knew what was happening.

pennygadgetJanuary 15, 2024

The list also seems to include anyone called in to testify and anyone who was mentioned in passing by a witness (ie a witness saying "Jeffrey was a fan of whoever")

People are being very irresponsible with reporting this story

eyeswideopenJanuary 15, 2024

💯 this

somegenerichandleJanuary 15, 2024

I'm not sure how reliable the China Post is, but if this is true it's gross. There were so many on Epstein's island, i donno, it just makes me sad Hawking was among them.