Background: There's a TIM I work with who only recently "came out." Like, a few weeks ago. He's calling himself Claire now (i'm using fake names.) It's freaky because now everyone is referring to him as "she" and calling him "Claire" as though they never knew his real name to begin with. He doesn't even put any effort in to be feminine enough to pass — not that passing would make him a woman, but more people would be willing to play along or even believe him if he did pass. But he just dresses and acts like he always did, except now he wears barrettes and bright pink lipstick and changes out of his uniform into a dress in the break room bathroom at the end of the day.
There's another guy I work with ("Dan") who — long story short — mentioned to another coworker that he didn't believe the whole transgender thing, and this coworker told several others, including Claire. All of these people went to our management together to complain and insist Dan be disciplined for it. I work for an extremely woke company, so Dan was disciplined, and now he isn't allowed to be in the same part of the building as Claire anymore.
Many of my work buddies think those other coworkers were in the wrong for going to management for such an innocuous comment and not actually harassing Claire. But because they're all blind libfems, they still agree that Dan is "transphobic" and needs to be "more educated."
Dan and I aren't friends, but I really wanted to go up to him when we're alone at some point and let him know I'm in his corner on this issue and that I also don't buy into transgenderism. I feel really alone and isolated in my GC views (this site is a lifesaver) and I want to let him know that he isn't alone, either.
Thing is, I'm afraid that even if I told him not to tell anyone, he'd eventually say something like "hey, at least Snails is on my side," and then I'd be ostracized and disciplined too, possibly even fired.
So anyway what should I do? Is there a way I can tell him that I'm on his side in a way that wouldn't potentially get me in hot water?