butchpleaseFebruary 13, 2022

Interesting. So, in TRA terms, a violent cisman imposter was empowered by the community in his pursuits to bully and erase lesbians. Will there be a learning effect? Yes? No? Of course not.

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

A white cishetero male at that (did I get the term right)? Aka "the establishment".

Will they come for him as they have those evil terven? Inquiring minds...

bellatrixbellsBoobatrixRexFebruary 14, 2022

I think it's "cishet white male". 😂

Gould2022February 13, 2022

Yes empowered to cause pain and alienation

EstrojenFebruary 13, 2022

People should refuse to call men by their original "deadname" once they detransition... call him Ava forever until his head explodes 🤣

Gladys_KravitzFebruary 13, 2022

Right? They said it was literally violence. They aren't going to trick me into messing up and committing literal violence.

[Deleted]February 14, 2022

And just to make sure we're being inclusive, use the pronouns it/its for the rest of its life.

BiblikliAkyeretTerf7February 13, 2022

lmao love this idea!

Gould2022February 14, 2022


pennygadgetFebruary 13, 2022

In 2018, Pipitone was granted $15,000 by a Johns Hopkins trust to create "affordable housing for the LBGTQ community." The project, known as HostHome, would ultimately go on to raise nearly $90,000 in funding, but there would later be concerns raised as to what Pipitone had actually achieved with the money.

I can't believe Johns Hopkins was dumb enough to give this asshole money for a charity project

In 2019, Pipitone was invited to speak at the Women's March in Baltimore

Of fucking course the "womens" march platforms him...

But Instagram posts by Pipitone show that he no longer identifies as a lesbian woman, having quietly detransitioned. Instead, he now advertises himself as a techno-futurist, tagging his selfies “biohacker" and advertises his desire to "reverse engineer age."

Translation: He wants to find a way to identify into legally fucking underage girls

HollyhockFebruary 13, 2022

It's always a perversion, but donning whatever culturally acceptable or faddish cloaks will work to conduct their crimes.

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

The radfems have apparently found his IG page and the dragging has started.

mallowwFebruary 13, 2022

I took a bunch of screenshots just to document since I'm sure he'll lock it down soon enough.

The text from his detransition announcement is both hilarious and enraging -

Trans day of visibility Journeys in androgyny . . What did I learn after 7 years living as a woman? Boundaries are creation When we encounter boundaries, The invitation is to slow down, communicate, and move towards alignment . The dance is infinite Alignment unlocks development and collaboration Which unlocks deeper reflection and refinement . Our boundaries evolve as we create, collaborate, and develop our world . The dance of space and closeness to others evolves with the depth of self knowledge and inner discovery. . So as we create our selves in continually higher resolution, our boundaries evolve and our ability to calibrate our expression, community, and surroundings increases. . . Boundaries are literally the infrastructure of Creation

So much talk about boundaries for a guy who clearly relishes violating them at every opportunity...

SparklingFemFebruary 13, 2022

Oh, that’s a detransition post? I wasn’t quite sure what this blowhard was trying to say with that word salad.

Gladys_KravitzFebruary 13, 2022

That's a lot of word salad to essentially say "I violated so many boundaries and got my ass handed to me repeatedly and now that I've had time to think in my shame corner, I've realized they're right."

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

Good woman. 👍🏽

Carrots90Nepo LadyFebruary 14, 2022

He is appropriating the word ‘boundary’ now?

So what Orwellian definition does it carry now?

LakeyFebruary 14, 2022

It’s the one hundred and eleventh gender.

Boundary: When you only experience euphoria when a woman ghosts you

[Deleted]February 13, 2022
[Deleted]February 13, 2022
worried19February 13, 2022

It would be one thing if he apologized and tried to makes amends for what he had done. Quietly detransitioning and hoping people won't notice makes me think that his toxic beliefs haven't really changed.

[Deleted]February 13, 2022(Edited February 13, 2022)

Exactly, he's pretending that his jaunt into TRA world never existed.

Just peeked his IG and LinkedIn pages. He's a venture capitalist now. So....he's a rich white guy?

SJWs letting privileged white males lead the charge is business as usual.

spacykateFebruary 13, 2022

That made me laugh out loud. He's identifying as a rich white guy! It'll probably work, which is sad.

Gould2022February 13, 2022

Interesting if he got the job to help their women’s workforce numbers?

GeneralLesbianFebruary 14, 2022

With that $105,000 that's missing in his last venture in in creating affordable housing for the homeless TQ.

White boys always ahead of the curve when it comes to grifting.

Nediljka_OrwellPITA croneFebruary 13, 2022

That tale gives a whole new definition to "sexual tourism".

"Yeah, I had a great time while I was there, and it was cool and all, but I was glad to get back home."

butchpleaseFebruary 13, 2022

But look at all these great pictures of me and the local wildlife I hunted down :)

WatcherattheGatesFebruary 13, 2022

It was all a LARP.

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

That’s all it ever is. That’s all it can be.

WatcherattheGatesFebruary 13, 2022


Researcher1536February 14, 2022

Can we make a poster with him before, then his TIM, and his now pictures with "IT WAS ALL A LARP" in BIG BOLD BLICK LETTERS.

Carrots90Nepo LadyFebruary 14, 2022



Researcher1536February 14, 2022

Fire up the printer 🔥

Omina_SentenziosaFebruary 13, 2022

It always is.

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

From that guy's insta (which is public):

When we encounter boundaries,The invitation is to slow down, communicate, and move towards alignment



When we encounter boundaries, we fucking RESPECT them.

IrishTheFrenchieFebruary 13, 2022(Edited February 13, 2022)

A boundary means NO FUCKING INVITATION was extended!

ETA: Not mad at you, just so sick of this bullshit.

Carrots90Nepo LadyFebruary 14, 2022

He should just admit

“When a man says NO, It’s the end of discussion. When a woman says NO, it’s the beginning of a negotiation”

Because that is exactly what he is describing

Gould2022February 13, 2022

Again this situation occurred because the LGBTQ’s pride group allowed males to call themselves lesbian and control the narrative

Any sociopath will dominate if the institution allows it. The institution basically allowed lesbians to be bullied and reclassified/redefined

flapyourwingsFebruary 13, 2022

More fake deep nonsense from his Instagram:

"I now believe sex hormone supplementation is best suited to triage a condition. Poorly suited to generate the foundation of our embodiment. In doing so the body that I grew was foreign to my heart and therefore beyond my heart to heal. . Shedding the synthetic biological suit I had grown for myself over 7 years, I appreciate the deep study of the feminine and the female that I have had the honor of conducting in this lifetime. . I believe our modern transgender movement is imbalanced with the current use of hormonal replacement therapy."

Was it 'foreign to your heart' to threaten to hang women by their necks, Kodah? Or did you just realize you can't get laid anymore because no one likes a flabby weenus and moobs?

MaryHatchFebruary 14, 2022

So it's fine for this asshole to question "affirmative care", but when women do it, it's time to get the rope. Got it.

Carrots90Nepo LadyFebruary 14, 2022

Dude you were never a woman. Shut up

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

terfs will be hung by their necks

Didnt TRAs cry about one supposed Terf who said she wanted to lynch TIMs? This guy says it at an event he's in charge of, and nothing happens.

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

"Admittedly, detransitioning is rather simple when all that is required is a hair cut"

Instead, he now advertises himself as a techno-futurist, tagging his selfies “biohacker" and advertises his desire to "reverse engineer age."

Uhhh so... this entire time, all he was looking for was an external personality. Maybe we should be handing out biohacker pamphlets on TRA sites. "The new, super cool, edgy identity."

Lipsy•____•February 13, 2022

Maybe we should be handing out biohacker pamphlets on TRA sites.

Not like they need it. The whole point and the entire founding principle of TRA is, literally, biocide.

Trans "rights" activism is ultimately the doing of a tiny cabal of obscenely rich men who are throwing their money and influence at "transhumanist" delusions—above all this fellow—and who have pushed the insane accelerationism of it all because they want transhuman immortality to become achievable for them i.e. before they die... and they're already pretty old (Rothblatt is 67; "Jennifer" Pritzker is 71).

[Deleted]February 13, 2022

I'll be happy to spit on their graves in a few years. TERF party.

Lipsy•____•February 13, 2022

I'm here for it. 🖤

MoonpriestessFebruary 13, 2022(Edited February 13, 2022)

In 2018, then going by the name ‘Ava’, Pipitone was both president of Baltimore’s Transgender Alliance and an advocate for the global pimp lobby, the Sex Workers Outreach Project.

Of course he's a pro-rape activist. I hope he never has a good night's sleep for all the harm he has done to women.

butchpleaseFebruary 14, 2022

Okay, I'm convinced that this is one of the worst men alive.

Omina_SentenziosaFebruary 14, 2022

I hope he never has a good night's sleep for all the harm he has done to women.

That would require a conscience, and I seriously doubt he has one.

yesisaiditxxFebruary 14, 2022

I converted to Judaism. They aren’t exactly the “oh wonderful!” types with converts on average. Back when I first converted 10 years ago I struggled with that and tried to delve in and sympathize as best as I could, asking questions and getting honest, sometimes brutal, responses from people.

One of them was that basically it’s hard to fully trust and accept a convert because they will always have the “I’m not Jewish” card to play if they want. If your family isn’t recognized as such, you don’t have a standard Jewish name, etc. who is to say if shit hits the fan you won’t be all “Jewish? Me? No.” whereas most people born Jewish couldn’t do that so easily.

I understood this completely, and I don’t have a grudge against people who have hang ups about converts. I trust that there are plenty who don’t and I continue to live my life as a Jewish person regardless out of love for it…but it doesn’t change that entering a group as a previous outsider means you’ll have to get your feelings hurt and take a back seat sometimes if you genuinely give two shits about them.

And the point is THIS is exactly why we cannot trust TiMs and cannot accept them. They have not made one single effort to treat us with that kind of compassion and acceptance. They have not been willing to be “off to the side” at times when it makes sense to do so. They’ve not shown that they care about womanhood in any deep way beyond sex appeal, theorizing about how victimhood is like a vagina or whatever, and attention.They will always— yes even if they have been on estrogen or gotten breasts implants and cut off their penis— always, be able to stop the meds and change their clothes and make up and go instantly back to being seen as no doubt male. They will always be able to physically dominate your average female. If they had made any feeble attempts to acknowledge this in any way rather than stomp all over us and ridicule us many more women would have continued to smile and nod along. But, that ship has sailed.

bellatrixbellsBoobatrixRexFebruary 14, 2022

Off topic, but I'm curious as to what makes a radfem convert to Judaism ?

yesisaiditxxFebruary 14, 2022

LOL I converted 10 years ago through what’s called Conservative Judaism. It’s not orthodox and aspires to be egalitarian, so women are participants and respected members of the community. I had two women on my beit din (the 3 person “court” that evaluates and questions you before your conversion which is traditionally three rabbis or at least three men). The mystical tradition is actually quite rich with feminine imagery to talk about our relationship to God (God as a nursing mother comes up a lot).

I didn’t grow up going to any kind of religious anything, so I guess I didn’t have any baggage or assumptions about pressure to be a certain way. My family was nominally Christian and I’m from the South so I absorbed purity culture just from the environment and resented that but was happy to find it’s not beaten into women (who aren’t orthodox) in the same way at all in Judaism.

I guess I’ve always wanted what I didn’t have as far as some kind of spiritual community, and I’ve always felt a connection to God, even if I can’t define what I think that means. To me God isn’t like a human judge and punisher or some kind of “opt in or out” belief. I feel that literally everything is sustained by a force greater than we can comprehend and insofar as we relate to that and aspire to sync our lives up to that we call “that” God.

So I went soul searching around my late teens and went to various churches from Southern Baptist to Catholic, studied Eastern religions, was curious what new age witchy religions were up to, then began to study Judaism and loved it so much I read books about its history, ethics, mysticism etc for YEARS but then realized I only even knew one Jew…so I went to a synagogue one year alone on my birthday and kept coming back. I’ve fallen off from a lot of it nowadays because most of the Jewish community where I live is NOT radfem friendly and the pandemic obviously prohibited a lot of involvement in itself. But, it’s something that is a done deal when it’s done…so even if I kind of do almost nothing religious but major holidays now, I still am Jewish to anyone who ever thought I counted in the first place.

bellatrixbellsBoobatrixRexFebruary 15, 2022

Well that's an interesting saga ! I've had a couple of Judaism-flavoured recommendations on my Netflix feed lately and watched a couple. I've also always been rather interested with WWII history, so naturally I've seen plenty of depictions, and I always thought they generally seem like the community itself seems pretty pleasant to live in. I can definitely see why someone looking for a religious community would go towards this one.

I read "Israel" by Noa Tishby earlier this year and she recounted how the first female settlers really put their foot down as the men attempted to reinstate the same patriarcal bullshit they had in the countries they had fled. Apparently they were really like yeah no, you either give us rights or we're out. Pretty rad. It's saddening that communities that have suffered so much still seek to prevent women's liberation to an extent like you describe.