“You can’t define woman because _____”!
• “Some women don’t get periods!”
• “Some women are infertile!”
• [Insert other willfully ignorant excuses here]
Ignoring the fact that everyone — including the people making these arguments — are indeed aware of what is a woman and what is a man, its also a miracle that they only seem to misunderstand “the exception is not the rule” when it comes to women’s rights.
Let’s try applying that logic to other things as well, shall we?
Mammals are animals where the females breastfeed their young, among some other qualifications. According to TRA logic, women that can’t breastfeed are no longer mammals.
Humans are bipedal. According to TRA logic, people who have lost their legs or cannot use them are no longer humans.
Humans have two kidneys. If you get rid of one, I guess you’re no longer a person!
It’s almost like… TRAs are full of bullshit, and know exactly what a woman — er, sorry, I mean an “AFAB” — is!
Women who don’t have periods know they are women. Women who can’t get pregnant know they are women. The only women who need reassurance that they are women, aren’t women at all. They’re men.
(Feel free to add more examples in the comments if you want.)