TheKnittaNovember 13, 2023

The last time a ‘women’s party’ was started in the UK, there was an ‘are trans women included’ tweet within seconds of the announcement, and the reply of ‘yes’ seconds after that. I haven’t heard anything of this mythical women’s party since.

How wonderful would it be to have an actual women’s political party…no wonder it will constantly be denied on some mysterious technicality.

mugi_chaNovember 13, 2023

Keep fighting, Kelly! My fingers are crossed for you!

auntieaviatorNovember 13, 2023


Go off and donate, people
And I'm sure you all need a terf mug in your lives

itsnotabouteweNovember 14, 2023

The mugs are fantastic! They would make great Christmas gifts.

notsofreshfeelingNovember 14, 2023

I bought three TerfTalkTuesday mugs for xmas gifts.

RusticTroglodytePubebeard KermitNovember 13, 2023

What the fuck?? This is such bullshit

NovemberinthechairNovember 14, 2023(Edited November 14, 2023)

Constitutional? In the U.K. ?

Didn't james block her immediately? He's so spoiled. His life trajectory is so uncommon. He has no idea that in a different time and place things would gave gone differently for him. His stuff on Maoism is good, but he doesn't understand the timeline of feminism. Pro rights women's campaigns weren't always in lock step with academic postmodernism. In fact, feminism used to be a working class game. He talks about Gnosticism all the damn time. Tras don't even know what that word means. They do sophistry without the intellectual dexterity. Trans is as anti-intellectual as you can get. But he majored in math. He's also a philosophy nerd. He doesn't get modern phenomena. He just keeps droning on about Hagel and Foucault. He makes a lot of on speaking engagements.

notsofreshfeelingNovember 14, 2023(Edited November 14, 2023)

That was the word she used, so I quoted her on it. Just typed "constitutional lawyer uk" into Google and a bunch of stuff pops up, including this wiki page.

James Lindsay has a frenetic and dorky manner of argumentation that people seem to think indicates a profound intellect. His arguments sometimes remind me of unrevised student essays written in one sitting at the final hour. KJK's tweet in response to his anti-feminist tweet was spot on.

NovemberinthechairNovember 14, 2023

Yep. She always wins. Lol.

EmmaGildedNovember 14, 2023

KJK is asking her supporters to buy merchandise?

Well, knock me over with a feather.

[Deleted]November 14, 2023

That woman is out here risking her life to fight for single sex spaces. She's Public enemy #1 in the Western world and has to deal with police harassment and is banned from so many websites for it. As far as I'm concerned, if she wants to make some money on the side, she's well within her right.

notsofreshfeelingNovember 14, 2023

It's a fair but predictable remark to make. Nevertheless, I don't blame her for trying to raise money the way that she does, especially given the fact that she's been demonetized/de-platformed in various places.

EmmaGildedNovember 14, 2023

Sometimes people are de-platformed and because they are righteous voices of a truth that institutions do not want to hear, and sometimes they are de-platformed because they are scammers who are using that platform to enrich themselves at the expense of those who support them.

notsofreshfeelingNovember 14, 2023

Uh... yeah, KJK is not the latter.

EmmaGildedNovember 14, 2023(Edited November 14, 2023)

I disagree. I think that’s exactly what she is.

notsofreshfeelingNovember 14, 2023

What evidence do you have that she's been de-platformed for scamming?

flapyourwingsNovember 14, 2023

Pretty much my reaction.