Gender Critical v Terf
Posted January 17, 2024 by itsnotaboutewe in GenderCritical

It's been noted that many high profile academic and professional feminists have recently pulled back from calling themselves Terfs to calling themselves Gender Critical instead. These women seem to think they are intellectual diplomats trying to find common ground in order to compromise with the other side without the consent of the rest of us.

There is also the bizarre 'coming out' of many GC women as having pet TIM friends who they know use women's spaces.

The recent Genspect controversies of encouraging pro-trans men and women onto their board and basically doing a 180 degree turn on what that organisation originally said it would do is further dividing the movement.

I think that GC and Terf are now completely different groups with different aims, and that this split needs to be publicly acknowledged.

The way I see it is that apart from radical feminism, there are three other types of feminism - Gender Critical, Libfem, and Terf. They have the corresponding attitudes of Diplomat, Doormat, and Fuck That.

We are not the same, and that needs to be understood. I will always be #teamterf and #teamfuckthat.

Edited to add - I think we began this war on the same side, but as the war dragged on and the battlefront widened some people lost focus and went off on side quests. They became interested in why some men are AGP, about social contagion, paraphilias, the horrors of genital surgery, about what hormone levels would allow men to compete in women's sport. This is all peripheral to the main fight of declaring the truth that there are males and females, that humans cannot change sex, and for women's rights to be restored. Once truth and reality are established everything else will fall into place and we can go off on as many tangents as we like without further harm being done.

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