GC Social MediaOn gendered socialization
Posted February 2, 2024 by Unicornkindrad.org in GenderCritical

Text from a Tumblr post on female vs. male socialization:

I am deeply, deeply sympathetic to the horrific trauma that gender-nonconforming male/amab children are subjected to on the basis of their gender-nonconformity, but it is SO intellectually dishonest to say "I was abused because of my femininity in my boyhood and therefore I am not male socialized" when being abused for expressions of femininity that are COUNTER to how you're expected to behave is literally definitionally male socialization. Female/afab children are not abused out of their femininity in an effort to get them to express masculinity, because female socialization is centered around extorting feminine, diminutive behavior out of girls.

NO ONE is immune to socialization.

I think some people mistake 'being socialized as {x}' as 'being treated well as {x}' or 'having the privileges of {x}'.

I read an account today of an autistic female person who claimed that they were 'not socialized as female' because of their gender non-conformity and autism. This confused me until I realized that what they mean is that they did not experience a mainstream socialization. They received punishment other people did not and they did not receive any of the 'perks' of being a girl. They decided that this means they did not receive 'female socialization' but some other special socialization for 'freaks'.

Undoubtedly, being treated like a freak is traumatizing. The gender policing that gender non conforming people, male and female, go through, is traumatizing. It is alienating.

Nevertheless, socialization is not something you choose, it is something other people do to you to get you to learn your 'place' in the gender hierarchy. This is why a girl who shows interest in feminine things is not punished for it, but a boy who shows interest in feminine things is harshly punished. On the flipside, a girl who shows interest in masculine things may be mocked and excluded for it. A boy who does the same thing is praised.

'Male socialization' doesn't mean "everyone loves me and believes in me because I'm male." Because gender is about power, 'male socialization' is about educating and indoctrinating boys to denigrate girls, women, and anything associated with them so they can take their place in the masculine hierarchy. Policing boys who break that code is absolutely part of male socialization.

'Female socialization' doesn't mean "people are nice to me because I'm a girl and I'm nice to people because I'm a girl." Because gender is about power, 'female socialization' is about educating and indoctrinating girls to prepare them for subordinate roles to men. Policing girls who refuse subordination is absolutely part of female socialization.

It's worth noting socialization is not always successful. If it were, then we never would have had feminist thinkers, male makeup artists, gay people in general, and the general sense of malaise people experience being trapped in their gender role. Kids often resist socialization into adulthood. Those of us who are gender non-conforming tried to resist the socialization especially hard. Resisting the socialization does not mean that it did not occur. 'Socialization' is something other people do to you. Accepting the lessons of socialization or not does not mean that the socialization attempt didn't happen.


[Deleted]November 29, 2023

Look at what this fucking AGP is wearing to address government officials. His store bought tits gets him an invite while her doctorate leaves her literally silenced and marginalized. I am so sick of this crap.

JehaneNovember 29, 2023

Now imagine a woman shows up like that to any function; the comments would be nasty, misogynist, she'd be shamed, and no one would take her seriously. Hell, when Angela Merkel dared to wear a gown with a bit of décolleté, she was shamed as if there was no tomorrow - "she's too old for that, it looks awful, how on earth can she do that yadayadayada". But if a man does it, he's brave and stunning and we're supposed to worship him.

befanaNovember 29, 2023

No German woman would ever dare to show up like this AGP in a professional or political setting. She would immediately lose any credibility. It is such a shame that this guy is still a valued member of the Green Party and a member of the German Bundestag.

itsbananasNovember 29, 2023

A man is a man is a man is a man is a man

interventionNovember 29, 2023(Edited November 29, 2023)

Oh, patriarchy's new dress code just dropped, how lovely.

Germany's government has lost the plot, and all the female politicians happily clap along to the TWAW chants while throwing their feminist sisters under the bus.

Edit: the most worrying part however is of course how utterly undemocratic this "discussion" progresses. Critics are silenced and their statements are ignored.

itsbananasNovember 29, 2023

The awful wig lol

PtarmagantNovember 29, 2023

That outfit!

interventionNovember 29, 2023

That man!

itsbananasNovember 29, 2023

That’s a peak 2016 clubbing outfit

chocolatefondant21November 29, 2023

How was he even let in the building dressed like that? This is so fucked.