Meanwhile, real science is supposed to be designed to answer a question as objectively as possible, not to 'prove' a conclusion. And the fact that they're doing this implies some awareness that the 'settled science' that always gets claimed isn't actually, you know, there.
And after reading it, it got even dumber. FFS, there's nothing about biology classes based on reality that makes GNC people unwelcome.
It doesn't even make any sense with their own logic since gender is supposed to be based on "identity" and stereotypes. Undergrad biology classes shouldn't have anything to do with gender at all.
There are only two genders/sexes. Intersex is a medical condition and trans is bullshit
There. I will take my $1 million dollar check now
He's an empty vessel. His adderall addicted aides are writing all this shit. He needs to retire.
From the award abstract: Collaborative Research: A qualitative inquiry into sex/gender narratives in undergraduate biology and their impacts on transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students
Guided by master narrative theory, the goals of this project are to: 1) explore how sex and gender are currently represented in the undergraduate biology content, 2) describe the impact this content has on classroom climate and belonging for TNG students, and 3) characterize the current efforts of biology instructors to create a more inclusive climate for TNG students.
The anticipated outcomes of this project include (a) identifying aspects of biology content that could influence the sense of belonging of TNG students and impact the career competency of all biology majors, (b) describing factors that can help or hinder instructors as they try to create more inclusive and accurate biology curricula related to sex and gender, and (c) creating professional development materials to support instructors who design lessons around biology topics related to sex and gender.
So the whole thing is just focused on trans students' "sense of belonging" in bio class..
It's incredible how much time and money gets spent on trans feelings.
I don't care. The house always wins. No matter how much money they want to pour into it, there will still only be two genders.
And this is exactly why I won't be voting for him in the upcoming election. I don't think I can vote at all. They're all scum.
It’s amazing how anti-science all the trans BS is. They literally have to pump money into colleges to promote propaganda and lies. It wasn’t enough to pump this garbage into elementary, middle, and high schools tying it to federal funds.
Then, WPATH says systematic review of studies isn’t possible. The WPATH, HRC, American Academy of Pediatrics, etc ALL stifle dissenting opinions. This is anti-science as science requires an inquisitive nature and repetition to show effect.
They’re pumping money into absolute lies. They want our kids to think the prescribe groupthink.
We literally have a UN trying eroding laws about statutory rape and child consent.
How did so many trans, pedophiles, and sexual deviants get into positions of power? I think the answer is they’ve always been there, but now they are encouraged to “be themselves” and publicly profess their sexual proclivities.
The US is no different from other major propaganda nations. I never thought it would turn out like this.
How did so many trans, pedophiles, and sexual deviants get into positions of power? I think the answer is they’ve always been there, but now they are encouraged to “be themselves” and publicly profess their sexual proclivities.
That’s a good question, isn’t it. Personally, I think power and money both attract and create deviancy. Some people who are already deviant are drawn to acquire power and money, while some people start out relatively reasonable and sane but acquiring power and money causes them to go off the rails. And I think children who grow up in wealthy or powerful families often have very little sense of reality or perspective. Even the kindest among them seem to have a sense of entitlement that is slightly spoiled at best.
When I first saw Biden, as Obama's VP pick, I recall having a fleeting thought wondering if Biden was a cross dresser. Or wanted to be but only fantasized about it to succeed in politics. There was just something about his mannnerisms around women, besides just the hair sniffing. I hadn't thought about it again until he became so focused, to the exclusion of genuinely important national policy issues, on indulging the TCult.
You can prove all the genders you want, there will always be only two sexes.
Damn, they have 1 mil to spend on make believe but can’t seem to figure out this pesky corporate greed induced inflation or how to fix any other problem in the country? Wild.
Does anyone else suspect the Daily Wire is artificially inflating Biden’s influence in the decision? I would be very surprised if he even knew any of the NSF grants that get given out.
With the information I have now, I’m much more inclined to believe that the NSF has been captured and is in need of a full reset and that they’re just trying to spin the narrative to suit the anti-Biden stance
I have no wish to rush to the defense of the Daily Wire, but I think the issue here is more what you're reading into this article than what the article actually says. Nowhere that I can see in thie piece does the DW say or even suggest that Joe Biden is personally involved in or influencing this funding decision. The headline says this funding comes from "the Biden Admin":
Biden Admin Pours $1 Million Into Studies...
The body of the article says this funding comes from "a federal government agency" that it specifically names as "the National Science Foundation" or "NSF," which is part of the US executive branch. Throughout the piece, terms such as "the Biden administration," "the federal government," "the government," and "government-backed effort" are used.
These are all the tried-and-true, conventional terms that the US press/media across the board has always used to speak of actions taken by federal government agencies that are part of the executive branch - which is the branch of government that the US President - whomever he or she may be - is in charge of and responsible for. From the article:
The effort to deny biological reality with taxpayer dollars comes amid a broader push from the Biden administration to leverage the federal bureaucracy to advance far-left beliefs, with large grants flowing towards efforts to embed extreme ideologies in America’s institutions. The National Science Foundation calls the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda a “high priority,” and boasts that it has multiple identity-based employee resource groups, including one for “LGBTQ+ and Allies.”
The government funding was awarded by the National Science Foundation, a federal agency tasked with promoting scientific progress and securing national defense.
To suggest that this funding came directly from Biden himself, other equally conventional and commonplace terms - the Oval Office, the White House, the President, Prez, POTUS, President Biden, or just plain Biden - would have been used instead of Biden Admin, federal government agency, federal government, etc.
However, the DW article does link this particular funding decision by the NSF to the numerous executive orders that President Biden himself has issued directing all agencies in the federal government to get on board with, and promote, the views in support of "trans" and gender identity ideology that Biden has been openly advocating personally and in an official capacity since at least 2012 when he was Obama's VP.
The foundation’s funding of the study is far from the only time that the federal government has used taxpayer dollars to push radical gender ideology and the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.
Various agencies within the federal government have aggressively pushed ideological initiatives under President Biden, who signed multiple executive orders intending to use the federal government to advance leftwing beliefs on race and the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.
Whilst my own politics are totally different to those of the DW, the DW's reporting, phrasing and reasoning in this article seem accurate to me.
Anyways, there's a world of difference between saying that the Biden Admin is doing/has done something and Biden himself is doing/has done it. And there's a big difference between saying that this decision is the downstream result of President Biden's ideological initiatives and executive orders - ideological initiatives and exec orders he's been quite open and adamant about - and saying that this particular decision was made or directly influenced by Biden himself.
AFAICT, this article isn't even suggesting that this funding decision has been made at the highest levels of the Biden Admin, or by someone in Biden's circle who has close contact with Biden on a reguar basis. If the DW wanted to allege or insinuate that had happened, they would have used other tried-and-true journalistic terms like Biden Admin Top Officials, Biden Science Chief, Head of Biden Science Agency, Biden Science Tsar... or Biden Aides, Biden Chief of Staff, Biden Advisors, Biden Team, Biden Inner Circle, White House Officials.
Nobody can find a job, home and grocery prices are out of control, homelessness is rising, the West Coast is a shit hole of crime, children can't read or write, but sure, waste taxpayer money on this bullshit.