Read Before PostingReminder: We do not allow linkposts to videos, images, off-topic content, or non-GC-feminist social media in this circle
Posted February 18, 2024 by girl_undone [speaking as mod] in GenderCritical

This circle is for:

  • Links (linkposts) to feminist and gender critical articles, blogs, and similar text content that is about gender or the trans identity topic

  • Links to news articles or mainstream publication opinion pieces that are relevant to gender critical feminists

  • Original text posts written by you and polls that start discussions about gender/trans identity topics. Many things can be submitted as part of a text post starting a conversation, if the poster puts in the effort to make a good text post – this is a very expansive category.

We're still seeing a lot of linkposts that go against our rules. We hate removing these, especially when they have a lot of discussion, but leaving them up confuses people about what kind of content this circle is for and what is allowed. So please read the circle rules before posting, please report posts that break the rules, and please understand that if you get into the discussion on a post that is breaking the rules the whole thing will probably be deleted.

Do not: make linkposts linking to anti-GC or misogynistic opinion pieces, misogynists and idiots talking on the internet, social media posts that aren’t by gender critical feminists specifically, or random social media conversations where people disagree with trans people or trans ideology but not from a gender critical feminist perspective

This is a feminist circle for gender critical content, it is not for posting anti-gender critical content. We don't allow linkposts to opinion pieces or propaganda articles that are anti-GC or misogynistic. The exception is notable news stories or articles, or pieces from major institutions like government or healthcare organizations. However, social media posts about newsworthy events or announcements are not acceptable sources, find a news article source.

This is not a circle for linking to stupid/misogynistic/pro-gender things people say on social media, including reddit and twitter. It isn't a place to link to conversations you're having with idiots elsewhere either. This also isn’t a place to post social media conversations that are critical of trans ideology but not from a gender critical feminist perspective. This is a circle for gender critical feminism, and links to random social media conversations which aren’t gender critical feminist conversations aren’t on topic. The only links to social media posts we allow are links to posts by obvious GC feminists.

However, you can make a text post about these things people are saying on the internet if you write a good summary/description, your criticism of the content, and include an archive link to the conversation you’re discussing. By doing this your text is the gender critical feminist content which makes your text on topic.

Do not: link to or post memes, screenshots, or most images

This is not an image circle, though other circles are. Almost no image posts belong here. An infographic might, but no screenshots or memes do. Check the sidebar for a list of other circles where this content may belong.

Do not: post videos as linkposts

We do not allow direct linkposts to videos, and we do not want most videos here at all (none of the mods like watching videos to make sure they are in line with the rules). This includes links to videos on Twitter and Instagram.

Other circles permit video posts, including /o/FeministVideos which is probably where you want to post.

We may permit your original text posts about videos that include a link to the video if the text post summarizes/describes the video so everyone has an idea of what it's about without having to watch it. However, if you post a Ben Shapiro/Blaire White/Jordan Peterson video we will still remove it unless you really write a very good conversation starter that makes it relevant to feminists or criticizes it from a feminist perspective – in doing this, your post becomes the gender critical feminist content. We do not exist to boost sexist men or anyone making content that isn’t gender critical feminist content.

If you have any questions, the moderators welcome you to send us a message (via the circle sidebar).

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