Around 4 or 5 years ago I was speaking to the only lesbian in the village, a 68 year old butch woman, about the transgender issue. I thought she would have known all about men calling themselves lesbians, the erasure of women's spaces, men calling themselves women being placed in women's prisons, and everything else that was going on. I was wrong. She said "transwomen" were no threat to lesbians or other women. She was shocked at my transphobia. I never brought up the subject with her again......until last night.
Last night we were both volunteering at the same place and we got to gossiping. We somehow got onto the subject of the rainbow flag, and I said how many lesbians I know can't stand the rainbow now because it isn't about LGB anymore. She said, "I know, it's all about the transes now." I was gobsmacked.
I prodded a bit further and it all came out. Transbians, AGPs, men in women's prisons, etc, etc, etc. She hated it all. Everything she had disagreed with me on 5 years ago she was now complaining about. Another volunteer, a man of 71, joined in the conversation just as we got to AGPs coming out when their wives were pregnant or when their daughter's hit puberty. He asked why that was, so I explained about period fetish, pregnancy and breastfeeding fetish, schoolgirl bra shopping/pillow fight fetish etc, and told them all (there were others who had stopped to listen by then) about paraphilias. We concluded with a discussion on how some in the trans lobby want pedophilia to be treated as a sexual orientation like LGB. The shock on their faces was something to behold. By the time the discussion had ended at least 4 volunteers between the ages of 62 and 74 had been well and truly peaked.
It took 4 years for the only lesbian in the village (now 72 years old) to discover, through her own experiences, that transgenderism had erased her already small community and made her lonely life just that little bit worse by making lesbian spaces extinct in our state. It took maybe ten minutes to get the other three people up to speed.
Sometimes it is the people we thought would be easy to peak that are the most resistant to common sense, and those we figured wouldn't want to know about the subject that are the most interested.
Because nobody “peaks” in the other direction - i.e. nobody gender critical is going to suddenly start believing in gender-woo - sooner or later the GC mass will far outweigh the gender-loons. It’s the only thing that gives me hope for the future.
Most people don’t know or care about gender, it simply doesn’t affect them or their lives. The last couple of years have been amazing in terms of the gender-mob over-reaching and peaking whole new tranches of ordinary people.
My niece works in a university where she’s steeped in this nonsense all day and every day, but even she was shocked and disgusted that rape victims had to call their attacker “she” in court, and refer to “her” penis. That’s the sort of thing that hits home, along with women’s sporting records being smashed by men.
Because nobody “peaks” in the other direction - i.e. nobody gender critical is going to suddenly start believing in gender-woo - sooner or later the GC mass will far outweigh the gender-loons.
The reason why is because peaking is usually done by realizing the real world repercussions of transgenderist laws taking place, directly interacting with mentally unstable transgender-identifying people, looking at actual figures and studies for transgender procedures, surgical complication rates, quality of life for transgender-identifying people after surgical procedures, rates of comorbidities with other mental illnesses, etc. studies that aren't sugarcoated and pushed by transgender lobbies.
Maybe the only reason somebody might "peak in the other direction" is if they were "gender critical" just as a way to bully transgender-identifying people. In which case they weren't really gender critical, they were just being mean and got tired of bullying mentally unstable people.
Being gender critical is based on facts and reality. That's the reason people don't "unpeak" from it.
I think eventually realizing what the "success of trans" means generally gets people to realize it's not healthy. Once somebody knows that someone is trans, that person now knows that the transgender-identifying person is living a lie. They plainly are lying about their biological sex, and use artificial cross-sex hormones and surgical procedures to do so. There's no way around it. This is not even meant to be rude or offensive, it's just what it is. Literally the "best case scenarios" for transgender-identifying people are either live "stealth" AKA lie to people for their entire lives about who they were naturally, or admit they are trans and have people know that they chose to live their life lying about their sex. And this is only for those transgender-identifying people who are actually willing to go through all the procedures and can actually successfully pass, who are very few at most. The rest who go through all the procedures and obviously don't pass kind of end up living as "odd" people who others pity internally and "be nice" to externally. That's it, those are the "success stories" of trans. And this isn't even accounting for all the transgender-identifying people who don't bother trying to pass (some transgender-identifying people consider it "transphobic" to expect transgender-identifying people to pass as the opposite sex) and simply just demand people use opposite-sex pronouns and pretend they are the opposite sex, which further enunciates the lunacy of the transgender movement.
I think most people have a conscience and realize at some point it's not good to lie to people like this. This isn't sustainable, this isn't healthy, this isn't right.
I suspect she originally thought the same thing that most people did, that “trans women” were either intersex or effeminate gay twinks who could do no harm to women and just wanted to exist, bothering no one.
The rise of the AGPs has been impossible to ignore if you’re even slightly involved in the LGBTQWERTY community, and again the more exposure that this new wave of “trans woman” gets, the more people wake up! We need more Lia Thomases, more Dylan mulvaneys to be making headlines, because I promise you that it’s making reasonable people really go “wait a minute, this isn’t what I thought it was”
That, combined with the tsunami of lawsuits I see heading for shore, and I think there will be some mass peaking in the next 1-3 years. Go team!
'The Only Lesbian In The Village' would be a great title for a feminist manifesto.
It made me think of the Only Gay In The Village skits on Little Britain.
Made me think of James Baldwin's "A Stranger in the Village."
Personally I can see "The Only Lesbian in the Village" as a great title for a short story.
4 years ago, I talked to one of my friends who was a lesbian. She was in a committed relationship with another woman, also a friend. When I tried to tell her about AGPs, the laws being changed to accommodate men who self-identified as women (especially in California prison), etc . . . she was not interested as I had no business talking about this as a straight woman. Her girlfriend also told me that I was talking about "her people."
I got so frustrated so I straight-up asked them how am I to support my daughters, if they turn out to be lesbians, (one of them actually a desisted trans-boy), - am I to tell my daughters to accept TIMs as lesbians and tell them to accept them in their lesbian spaces? My friends shut it down and told me that they were not interested in discussing this with me, and that it sounds like I am pushing forward a right-wing propaganda. My daughters were already complaining about how uncomfortable they were when boys are allowed in the girls' bathrooms that the only place they felt safe were going to gender-neutral or unisex bathroom because that bathroom tends to only one toilet with its own sink, no shared stalls, etc.
My friends have been in a long term relationship for over 20 years, so they don't go out to lesbian bars or lesbian spaces as they are homebodies, so they don't see what I am talking about. They haven't peaked yet.
My friends shut it down and told me that they were not interested in discussing this with me, and that it sounds like I am pushing forward a right-wing propaganda
That’s what they’re taught to do. They’re just following the playbook. Any sign of disagreement or resistance: plug your ears and say the magic words “right wing propaganda” “right wing talking points” or “transphobe” and it will alllll go away
Sometimes it is the people we thought would be easy to peak that are the most resistant to common sense, and those we figured wouldn't want to know about the subject that are the most interested.
I think that's the insidious nature of forced teaming, of which the LGB have been victims of for decades. It's not just the trans agenda you're willfully defending, but yourself. You have been taught to personalize the issue. Because it's an attack on you as much as them. They've tricked many people into thinking if they don't defend this, they're next.
It's also something that affects women a lot, we are put on the spot with social issues and seen as bad people for not defending anybody and everybody. It's a lot of things tbh, but it doesn't change your disappointment and exhaustion on the issue. Especially with other people's wilful ignorance.
Well, congratulations. Well done, truly! It's so true what you say at the end, about people that would seem easier to peak being the hardest!
Did she for sure know that transwomen = males? Because her initial response makes perfect sense if she (like many) assumes that transwomen = females.
Glad you peaked so many! Keep fighting the good fight, Sister!
In my limited experience as a straight outsider looking in, the older a lesbian is, the less likely she is to be single/dating and therefore the less likely she is to have had her boundaries transgressed by AGP TIMs. (The invisibility of older women doesn’t seem to be limited to those of us who are straight.)
I think that’s why some of the most rabid TRAs I know are older (50+) lesbians, particularly those in long term relationships. They’re just not going to be personally impacted the way a young lesbian is, and it can take a long time for the scales to fall from their eyes.
Like your friend, it might only be when the TQ+ start encroaching on other aspects of their life: bathrooms, hospitals, sports, aged care, lesbian gatherings, women-only spaces etc. that they start to get uncomfortable and maybe reach peak trans.
Unfortunately, it’s part of human nature: people frequently do not care about important issues until they are personally affected.
I know a set of older, married lesbians who are rabid TRAs. They clamor at every chance to foster a “queer child” and it gives me an icky feeling.
That is a really good point. If you're past the age of going to bars and dating, you're probably not being told you're a homophobic bigot for not wanting to sleep with TIMs.