This is a thought that has been going through my brain for a while now, and I'm curious to know if anybody feels the same way.
Sometimes I believe that the current gender-identity movement has purposely infiltrated the current left-wing by way of controlled opposition. I have no evidence for this, but I do know that it was in part started for the interest of big money. Who, other than those who are in it for the money, benefits from this ideology? The left is now discredited for a lot of people because of them embracing this issue. If said controlled opposition could get people away from the left, they could get their way on other topics; say, climate change or abortion.
And I'm aware that I do sound crazy, but I can't shake the feeling that there's something going on behind the scenes. It's not just the Democratic establishment, it's extended to unrelated organizations; I've seen anti-war organizations bow down to the transgenders, something that ticks me off to no end. Of course, if this is true, it shows a certain level of cowardness from current Democrats that they've just let them in. There are other reasons why people are bowing to it, such as not wanting to get bullied for bucking the line.'s very weird and I haven't found anything to back this up yet, but it's also tricky because there are a million possible explanations for this.