This subreddit is a snark page for a popular trans woman on tiktok called Adora that does trans debate lives.
Blaire White actually called him out a few months ago over his cringey videos explaining how men can be lesbians. Since making that response video, his circle of trans friends have started disassociating publicly from him because they believe he is making the trans community look bad. This man is one of the most popular TIM's on the app right now, probably in the top 5.
His live streams get thousands of viewers, there's angry people confronting him for his extremeist rhetoric, from women, mothers, men and lesbians.
One of his ex friends, just wrote a long dissertation about how them openly announcing to society that they love women, is embarassing, "ragebaity" and makes them look bad on social media.
They're just exposing their true colors....perverted men.
Im glad that more people are able to see how they bully us so this can no longer be a quiet kept secret in the lesbiansphere.
It's like they believe that if they were able to prey upon women in private, that would be okay. But since Tiktok is so mainstream, they need to stop discussing their love for women.
This is what he said
"I know a couple of TM spoke to her, and at least one of them was shut down entirely as being emotional.
Male Lesbians: The topic that made my brain crack a little. The throughline is simple. Trans women=women. WLW=Lesbian. TW=Male. TW who are WLW are thus lesbian. Thus male lesbians.
So why would i disagree with the topic? I personally identify as a lesbian. I know I'm very much biologically male. So what could be wrong here?
Ragebait is what's wrong. Adora and i did have a rather heated conversation about this and more after my comment (oh she blocked me fs). Lesbian is specifically an identity that, at its inception, is female-centered. Trans women absolutely can be lesbian, but i look at myself as a "guest" within lesbian spaces. I belong there, sure, but i need to be respectful of those that came before.
The idea of "males can be lesbians" is ABSOLUTELY intended to piss people off. Because on its immediate face, it looks immediately wrong. Outrageous. Absurd. And that's the intention.
Like i said, ragebait CAN BE fine. CAN BE effective. But the fundamental reason i disagree with adora on the background is because it ragebaits 2 marginalized communities against each other (trans women and lesbians) and right now, with how many LGB individuals want to entirely drop advocacy for trans people, the last thing we need AS ADVOCATES is to drive a wedge into the heart of the Queer community.
I will be entirely candid with you all (this is still entirely my perception and can be wrong). Adora is not a very calculated person. She's extremely earnest. Which can be a good trait. But when you're a political advocate for the queer community, shouting at lesbians and minimizing trans men is far more damaging than the help you bring"