I've gotten SO sick and tired of gender woo lately, to the point that I just feel angry a lot of the time. While I know my anger is justified, and I'm allowing myself to feel it without shame or repression, it's also exhausting and not particularly healthy.
So I've got three major strikes against me:
I'm a lesbian, and pretty out about it, so people lump me into the LGBT+ alphabet. They assume I claim the TQ+ as my community and am a "safe" person to share their gender stuff with.
I'm deeply involved in the local music/art scene in my blue city. Of course, liberal artsy spaces have a well-deserved reputation for being full of hippies (yay!) and queerios (boo). My city is no exception, and I'd say over half of the people in my music circles are some flavor of "queer," with a heavy bias towards they/thems, spicy straights, and polyamory.
I'm in my early 20s. I still hold out hope that my generation will grow out of this shit, but for the time being most of us seem ahem "cooked."
All this in combination means I'm surrounded by gender ideology day in and day out. It's hard when the spaces that are my greatest source of friendship and creative fulfillment are also the ones that frustrate me to no end with the constant stream of bullshit.
I know that taking a break from Ovarit, radblr, and similar spaces would help me cool off, but I don't know what to do about the in-person component. How can I prevent this from bothering me so much? I want to be a nonchalant, unapologetic lesbian who just lives her life as if all this stuff doesn't exist, but I can't exactly look past a flashing neon sign two inches from my face, y'know?
Thanks for any advice xx
Stories like these peak men. I think it forces them to acknowledge a small fraction of the fear of attack that women feel for their whole lives.
No guy wants to think that after a few drinks, he’s walking home and then gets followed and raped by another man.
Also the pronouns in this story are ridiculous: “she dragged him”, “she raped him”……she is a he everybody. SHE IS a HE!
Everything I was going to say! I cannot STAND reading the misgendering. (The correct gender pronouns for a man are he, him, his - calling that "misgendering" is doublespeak. Argh!)
What does that even mean? Was he in a woman's prison or just assaulting men in men's prison and blaming it on his gender identity?
I mean, he is incredibly dangerous. Your average trans person doesn't deserve to be around him either. Some people just can't be rehabilitated.