CrimsonSoleilJuly 22, 2024

As a biological female who will identity as a male for ten seconds, getting slammed in the balls doesn’t hurt. There. Study over.

RecycledPopcornJuly 22, 2024

I'll go one step further as another biological woman, currently identifying as a man for the next few seconds.

Not only is it not painful, it's actually fun! Every man should be slammed in the balls at least once a day, in order to improve his mental health.

AngrySlothJuly 23, 2024

I agree, I am a man (AFAB, still awaiting my HRT), but to me, a kick in the balls doesn't hurt either. I don't understand the fuss about it. I think too many men spend too much time on this subject, and that's why they THINK the pain is so bad. To me, it feels a bit like attention seeking. We, as men, are better than this.

LionessJuly 22, 2024(Edited July 22, 2024)

To be frank… this is one of the ultimate reasons why I don’t want “trans women” to be a thing.

Yes, I hate they are in our spaces. Yes, I hate that they are brainwashing our youth. Yes, I hate they are praised in liberal circles. Yes, I hate that they are winning our sports, being recorded as commit our crimes, are publicly allowed to try on our clothes, etc, etc, etc. I hate it all.

But the one thing that I cannot stand for the most and ultimately makes me hate every single TRA and man in the world… is the fact that it has poisoned our medical system so much that it’s affecting women’s health. It’s not just political, social, psychological… it’s also making problems with me existing in my own body, because issues I have are not researched and are instead allowing medical personnel to gaslight me simply because some mentally unwell man wanted to use my health as his “validation”.

And any trans out there who says “well that isn’t me, I don’t agree with that”… You’re the ones not allowing the gatekeeping. You’ve left the gate wide open. For our health, for our youth, for your protection. This is you. You’ve opened the pens and allowed the wolves to attack the sheep, and then shamed any sheep who dare fight for themselves, all in the names of “transphobia”. So who’s blood is on who’s hands, really?

pennygadgetJuly 22, 2024

Once again, Women’s health suffers because we don't get our own studies. Our bodies are just treated like smaller, defective male bodies

Women2WomenJuly 22, 2024(Edited July 22, 2024)

This is where the whole shit-show lands us when the insanity that men can be women, humans can change sex, is put into practice. Not only does it put all females at risk physically, but it destroys ALL institutions: laws, policies, medicine, education and on and on.

RusticTroglodytePubebeard KermitJuly 22, 2024

The fact that it messes up crime stats was the first thing I got upset over

a_shrubBicycle Engine Gender 🚲July 22, 2024

New rule of misogyny just dropped: women's pain is whatever men say it is.

MaryDyerJuly 22, 2024

It drives me up the fucking wall when I see just how common it is for TIMs to also post on subs like r/AutismInWomen.


sicktodeathJuly 22, 2024

Sure, bro, tell me all about your incapacitating endometriosis pain.

RusticTroglodytePubebeard KermitJuly 22, 2024

OMG, there have been 4 diagnosed cases of endo in men, you monster!!

OneStarWolfJuly 22, 2024


twinklebarbieJuly 22, 2024

It shocks me to see how far New Zealand and Australia have fallen.

[Deleted]July 22, 2024