Need Advice or SupportMy 13-year-old step-sister is now a TRA! She believes that sex-based language reduces people to their genitals!
Posted August 28, 2024 by PolishTERF in GenderCritical

Hi, Ovarittes! I am 20 and my 13-year-old step-sister recently came out as a TRA. She spends a lot of time online and speaks English pretty well for someone so young (we are Polish), which allows her to access English-speaking online communities, including - as I have learnt not so long ago - Reddit TRAs.

We had an argument on whether or not our language should refer to someone's biological sex. She believes that sex-based language reduces people to their genitals, for instance - according to her - calling someone who has a vulva but identifies as a man 'she' due to their sex is somehow based on one's desire to emphasize which genitals complete strangers possess first, before acknowledging their gender identity, whereas gender-based language - calling that hypothetical individual 'he' - prioritizes their gender indentity, something completely unrelated to genitals. In the first scenario, one's ownership of a vulva is superior to the fact that they wish to be referred to as man, which is their identity. In the second one, it's the other way arround, which may be more 'respectful'.

My step-sister is not a TIF or an enby herself but still likes the community. How to defend sex-based language?


womeninloveAugust 19, 2022

"Unfortunately, while at Tongariro she incurred a number of misconducts as a result of her sexual orientation and was returned to Auckland," Judge Blackie said.

What does that even mean? Was he in a woman's prison or just assaulting men in men's prison and blaming it on his gender identity?

The board also didn't know enough about the location her lawyer suggested she could be released to - a place that provides accommodation for transgender people....As a result, parole was declined.

I mean, he is incredibly dangerous. Your average trans person doesn't deserve to be around him either. Some people just can't be rehabilitated.

CailinAugust 18, 2022

Stories like these peak men. I think it forces them to acknowledge a small fraction of the fear of attack that women feel for their whole lives.

No guy wants to think that after a few drinks, he’s walking home and then gets followed and raped by another man.

Also the pronouns in this story are ridiculous: “she dragged him”, “she raped him”……she is a he everybody. SHE IS a HE!

IsBeanMeAugust 18, 2022

Everything I was going to say! I cannot STAND reading the misgendering. (The correct gender pronouns for a man are he, him, his - calling that "misgendering" is doublespeak. Argh!)