Need Advice or SupportHi, I was the one who posted about her fellow trainee being a TIM. I have a horrifying update.
Posted August 29, 2024 by RiseOFlameimmune to TIM gaslighting in GenderCritical

It happened. Your tips were great and I managed to keep him at arms length, but that dude cannot take a hint . Especially now that we started school (we have school and work, 40 and 60%). I managed to find some female friends already, but he just keeps following me around, scaring them off. Context: I am the only one he knows there and has apparently decided to make me his handmaiden. NOPE! He is the only genderspecial in the whole (big) class and I can see the looks some of the women give him. I know they think like me, but they - and I - don't dare say anything. So he's basically an outcast.

Here's the thing. I had befriended a woman while he was following me around. He kept following us - we didn't even really talk to him mind you - and he followed us on the women's toilet . I have never felt so disgusted in my whole life. But I understand the handmaidens now. It's easier to look away and give up. And I am ashamed to say - no one of us said anything. We just looked uncomfortable.

Here's an even worse thing. Next year, we will have P.E. Guys, I am so scared. I don't want to change with this hulking MAN with his giant hands and thick wrists. He looks like the "It's Ma'am!" TIM but younger. But if I say anything, I lose my job. And I don't want that. It's really important to me. I also can't make it too obvious. It's like balancing on a tight rope. His fake friendliness makes me sick. He smells MALE. I am disgusted in his presence and want to run away constantly. At work, we are at different departments all the time, but school... help.


womeninloveAugust 19, 2022

"Unfortunately, while at Tongariro she incurred a number of misconducts as a result of her sexual orientation and was returned to Auckland," Judge Blackie said.

What does that even mean? Was he in a woman's prison or just assaulting men in men's prison and blaming it on his gender identity?

The board also didn't know enough about the location her lawyer suggested she could be released to - a place that provides accommodation for transgender people....As a result, parole was declined.

I mean, he is incredibly dangerous. Your average trans person doesn't deserve to be around him either. Some people just can't be rehabilitated.

CailinAugust 18, 2022

Stories like these peak men. I think it forces them to acknowledge a small fraction of the fear of attack that women feel for their whole lives.

No guy wants to think that after a few drinks, he’s walking home and then gets followed and raped by another man.

Also the pronouns in this story are ridiculous: “she dragged him”, “she raped him”……she is a he everybody. SHE IS a HE!

IsBeanMeAugust 18, 2022

Everything I was going to say! I cannot STAND reading the misgendering. (The correct gender pronouns for a man are he, him, his - calling that "misgendering" is doublespeak. Argh!)