Stories like these peak men. I think it forces them to acknowledge a small fraction of the fear of attack that women feel for their whole lives.
No guy wants to think that after a few drinks, he’s walking home and then gets followed and raped by another man.
Also the pronouns in this story are ridiculous: “she dragged him”, “she raped him”……she is a he everybody. SHE IS a HE!
Everything I was going to say! I cannot STAND reading the misgendering. (The correct gender pronouns for a man are he, him, his - calling that "misgendering" is doublespeak. Argh!)
What does that even mean? Was he in a woman's prison or just assaulting men in men's prison and blaming it on his gender identity?
I mean, he is incredibly dangerous. Your average trans person doesn't deserve to be around him either. Some people just can't be rehabilitated.