The BBC had a news article out today on the cost of living crisis.
As soon as I saw it, I was looking for the autogynephile, because there’s nothing that autogynephiles love more than saying they’re the victim.
And here he is:
‘Allana’ is an Army and Navy veteran who earned enough in his lifetime to qualify for pension contributions and also works (of course) as a ‘trans’ model, being named ‘Ms Curvaceous’ in 2021. Of course. What a surprise that he also has a YouTube channel talking about an Ann Summers ‘self love massager’. And we’re supposed to believe that this is a typical 70 year old woman giving her opinion, rather than another plant on the BBC.
Edit: anyone think that he looks like ‘Dame Katy Denise’?
Ew ew ewwww. Under his education and training it says “BA social worker with vulnerable people in the community”. YIKES. Keep this pervert away from anyone vulnerable please.
So Allana doesn’t even know how to smile and looks like a tired housewife. And yet, Allana does:
Seems like an awful amount of adrenaline, freedom, and excitement for such a boring mature lady on the picture.
Allana seems “unmarked” by such an adventurous past. An avid outside sports girl who is also into modelling later in life?? Seems unlikely. And if she were, she would look more like a surfer rather than a Nottingham housewife.
Why is she “unmarked” by her adventurous past? Because he was a normal bloke with no sense of style beforehand, being free to selfishly go around doing all the risky sports he wanted, and now his new adrenaline project is pretending to be a woman and a special “model”. Also selfish. The disconnect with what they actually look like is obvious.
I thought the same thing! “Well this is clearly his next foray into attention seeking adrenaline hobbies”
Becoming a woman is an adrenaline passion project for many of them. Just another addiction to cover up their deep-seated self-loathing. A flight from the self.
People running from themselves 😒
Oh dear! I didn’t know beauty contests were giving out participation trophies nowadays!
He won in the "trans, 70 years and older" category.
So... He was the only contestant?
Nicole is also a “them” in that article
I was laser focused on looking for the autogynephilic man and missed that!
Reminds of the infamous BBC article about the rising cost of living and its consequences for...drag queens.
Like, "sorry kids, Mom and Dad can't afford to feed you fresh produce anymore, but have you considered Madame Kandy Asse might not get to go on a Sephora run this month?"