QuestionWhat happened to the 'actual feminism' podcast?
Posted November 20, 2024 by KageThornback in GenderCritical

I know they stopped putting out content a few years back, but I found them absolutely hilarious and would occasionally go back to their YouTube or to another podcast channel to relisten to their episodes. I tried to look them up recently, and I cannot find them - no accounts, no nothing.

Does anyone know where I can listen to their old episodes, or is this just gone forever? :(


ProxyMusicDecember 12, 2024(Edited December 12, 2024)

If anyone remembers the name of the authors I'd greatly appreciate it!

I don't think the name of the authors of this purported paper/study was ever revealed.

IIRC, the incident you're speaking of - a post on social media a couple of years ago announcing that a study would soon be published proving that TIMs' claims of having "lady brains" is rooted in clearly-delineated, very distinctive inborn neurological physical features that can be easily seen via brain scans - was the doing of crackpot British TRA Steph Richards. Richards is the AGP head of a UK-based trans website, campaign org and training institute set up mainly to advance the interests of AGP men who've decided to indulge their fetishistic cross-dressing kink FT.

The org Richards founded and runs used to be called Steph's Place, but it's now been rebranded as Translucent.


Steph’s Place - 2022 Shortlisted Nominee - Community Organisation Award: LGBT

Research suggests that trans suicide rates are seven to ten times higher than average. Steph's Place was founded in May 2020 by Steph Richards to heighten the visibility and acceptance of trans people in society. The Steph's Place website grew rapidly and became a primary 'trans resource' initially within the UK and globally. Steph’s Place provides a voice for the UK Transgender & Non-Binary Community by investigating and reporting on issues that affect the community, a platform to share their stories and experiences, and signposting to help and support. Members of the team participate in diversity training for businesses as well as speak to parents of trans kids who seek help in understanding what it means to be trans. The Steph’s Place website, with some 600 pages, has quickly expanded into becoming one of the most visited websites in the trans community, with circa 10,000 visits every week.


ETA: I just checked and found that my original recollection that the person who announced the study on Twitter and then got dog-piled for doing so was Steph Richards of Steph's Place/Translucent is correct.



Here's more about creepy naricisstic Steph. He has form for not being able to "read the room."








Today, Steph posted this on X/Twitter:

Unfortunately, until this government understands three basic facts, the trans community is not going to get very far:

1: The "gender-critical" is a global hate movement.

2: From 2019, the Tories placed hundreds of GC voices in key positions.

3: The Cass Report is corrupt.

3:10 AM · Dec 12, 2024


Steph's org has recently come out with a new "briefing note" for UK MPs advising them that the UK's Gender Recognition Act must be reformed so that AGPs and other men with distrubing sex fetishes are given freer rein to ride roughshod over women's and girls' rights. Steph and Translucent's new briefing note are discussed on this new Mumsnet thread:


Some Mumsnetters' comments:

[Translucent's] Director is Steph Richards who organised the protest outside the Portsmouth FILIA conference where women were routinely abused with threats of sexual abuse and violence. To add to this, protesters drowned out an East African refugee speaking about mass rape and disrupted a candlelight vigil for murdered women and girls.

'Steph' is also the charmer who took a CEO position for an endometriosis charity. And got Steph's arse handed to Steph by Emma Barnett on Woman's Hour.

Briefed by men who won't take no for an answer.

It's also not relevant whether they genuinely believe they are the opposite sex or not. Either way, they're not, and they shouldn't be in spaces reserved for the opposite sex.

My right to privacy and dignity shouldn't be dependent on what someone else believes about themselves.

[The briefing note says] "In conclusion, it can be seen that the United Kingdom has fallen behind the rest of Europe in terms of having gender recognition laws that are fit for purpose in the 21st Century."

Hmm, do we want male soldiers posing as women, to get extra money, or male firefighters doing so, as they're not fit and strong enough to make the grade? Or women to be imprisoned for mistergendering, as in Germany? Are such laws fit for purpose?

I don't think so, I think they're repressive bullshit and I'm not really surprised that the group of trans zealots here are pushing such shitty propaganda.

ErhanneDecember 12, 2024

Wow, thanks a lot for your detailed answers and all the sources!

derbearDecember 13, 2024

Didn’t Wikipedia used to keep a list of cross dressing serial killers, but then that got scrubbed out, too?

It’s not just silence of the lambs, I believe a handful of serial killers were either adult cross dressers, or, their mothers dressed them up as girls. If memory serves, Ed Gein’s mother dressed him up as a girl and fawned over him when he was a child.

SatanicPanicDecember 12, 2024

Not sure if it's the same one, but I remember that a brain scan study was comparing women to TiMs by having them look at pictures of men and comparing brain activity. Apparently the same areas of the brain lit up? But here's the thing, that just as easily was showing that those subjects were equally attracted to men, not that the TiMs were somehow women.