AOC wonders what the Democrats can do to not fucking fail.
Posted November 24, 2024 by littleowl12 in GenderCritical

She's a million months pregnant so I don't want to put her through stress, even though the odds of her seeing this are near zero.

But like Brianna Wu, I view AOC as one of the architects of the destruction of leftism. She's an even bigger one, actually. She turned the Democrats from the party of rationality to one of complete lunacy. Along with "The Squad."

Now it's finally dawning on her that maybe her methods and pet issues aren't working. Per her BlueSky:

There have been a lot of times where I feel like we need to have honest discussions on the left about what worked and what hasn't, share observations without judgment, but it feels like there isn't much space for it.

Yeah, you in particular are a big reason for that. You absolutely flew in on shouting people down. Of "The Squad" you were the hardest working and most ethical, but that's not saying very much. You alienated and silenced many experienced Democrats who could have helped you.

Like one bee's nest I've been thinking about electorally is how we cannot make the case that if an elected X position (ex embargo) will deliver voters if the left isn't yet able to successfully turn out for pols who do. The organizing, resources, etc need to back up the rhetoric to win.

Embargo my ass. See, here she doesn't quite get it. She was doing well in her first post, but she just can't bring herself to admit that some ideas are unsellable. There was nothing about transgenderism that wasn't extremely well-funded. That it got this far at all is because of how flush with money the movement is.

The progressive left had a very difficult year electorally. We lost several strong seats in Congress- some of the only voices that stood for Palestinians. Didn't pick up much.

Yeah, sorry, AOC. But maybe Hamas shouldn't have uploaded videos of themselves raping and mutilating Israeli women and kidnapping babies if they wanted mainstream sympathy. It's a normie position to not want to help people that do such things.

We can reflexively blame others/the system or we can retool, look inward, figure out where to build and go next.

You also need to abandon certain things from the platform. I'd argue that the ONLY popular thing you had left was right to abortion. The average American doesn't want to help Palestinians, with good reason. The average American doesn't want the nation putting transgenderism on a pedestal, also with good reason.

This is not to suggest we shouldn't take these stances. We do! But it is to say the opposite- we have a responsibility to take stances that protect human life AND grow their power, too. Not settle for keeping them in obscurity or the margins forever as oppression takes the day.

So, she's ending on a note that encapsulates the problem of the left. She is calling for everyone to be open and honest, but she herself still needs beat around the bush with a word salad post. If she's crystal clear, she knows she's going to get it from her own.

Look, I'm not interested in using American resources to grow Palestinian power. Is she fucking crazy? Why would I want to do that, given what I see? Riots all over the West, hate crimes against Jews or even suspected Jews, growing terrorism. It's not that I want everyone in Gaza to die, but I'm not willing to sacrifice Westerners, either. Hamas started a war it couldn't win. I have no suggestions at this point.

And AOC still can't bring herself to mention the other elephant in the room: transgenderism.

That really was what did it. There are plenty of unpopular things on the Democratic platform, but of all of them, transgenderism is the most unsympathetic one.

With BLM, you can absolutely produce case after case where cops have been corrupt. With Gaza, you can make the case that Israel should never have been founded in 1948- even though it's the ancestral land of the Jews, they may have been gone so long that there was no way to bring it back with cruelty to the living. Immigration can sometimes fix labor shortages. Climate change is a problem that has to be solved.

But there's not one silver lining with transgenderism. It's harmful in every direction. Even the ones who say "it worked for me!" like Buck Angel have to admit that they blew up their bodies in the meantime. Most TIPs are off-putting and unlikable, so people don't want to vote to spread this subculture even wider.

If one thing had to go, it should be transgenderism.

And yet, AOC doesn't even mention it. Is it because she's unaware?

Well, no, I think that she didn't mention it at all means she knows damn well that it's the problem for the Democratic party.

I'll throw her a bone- what can she do at this point? This is the horse she rode in on, so it's going to be very hard to say "everything I fought for was a joke."

But if she surrenders one thing to keep the rest, the most unworthy people of identity politics are trans identified people. I'm sorry, but it's true. They should never have gotten so many resources. They're not oppressed, their marginalization is largely self-inflicted, and they are more privileged than not.

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