RaveUK Banned Puberty Blockers for Under 18s!!!
Posted December 12, 2024 by Leithriel in GenderCritical

I was never so happy to wake up to the news than I was when I saw the UK banned puberty blockers for under 18s.

This will sweep the US & Canada and we will see the most appalling medical scandal of our time fall apart before our eyes.

And it is 100% thanks to actual feminists.

We will (of course) have to push for making ordering hormones etc. Illegal from 3rd party groups a priority as well. But given the damning evidence, that shouldn't be too difficult of a push.

As always, the voices of women led the change to protect kids and other vulnerable people from corporate greed, led the charge for LGB rights and protections for women.

Of course men like Matt Walsh will try to claim credit for the work women did that he simply parroted, but we know the truth.

The next step is yeeting the adult men from our spaces, but that work is well underway. ❤️

Amazing job ladies. May your coffee or tea be hot, and your steps today be light!


jelliknightDecember 12, 2024(Edited December 12, 2024)

This is genuinely the beginning of the end. The study of puberty blockers theyv mentioned i personally believe is unlikely to happen, because actual studies have to meet ethical standards especially on children. Without puberty blockers there arent any "trans kids", and without them the adults turn back into weirdos in wigs.

What we need to do now is be ready to pivot, as LGB organisations pivotted to Trans, we need to pivot to womens rights generally.

DurableBookDecember 12, 2024

This is genuinely the beginning of the end. The study of puberty blockers theyv mentioned i personally believe is unlikely to happen, because actual studies have to meet ethical standards especially on children.

Oh it's even simpler:

To have a study on the use of puberty blockers to treat a given condition, you have to first define what it is you're treating.

And they will never, ever, be willing to do that in plain honest language. Because if they do, it will be unmistakable that what they are doing is actual conversion therapy.

Leithriel [OP]December 13, 2024

Getting the kids out and stopping the gay/autistic children to trans pipeline is important and will need to be maintained, because it is the main way that the TQIA+ expands their base: ensaring kids and the indoctrination of their parents.

Kids are easy to groom, and the disgusting men in this movement target them for multiple reasons, but when you scare parents into thinking they are protecting their children by allowing them to become embroiled in this lunacy, this group gets votes and has political power because most parents will never want to admit the harm they did to their children in the name of gender.

atomic_brunetteDecember 12, 2024

What we need to do now is be ready to pivot, as LGB organisations pivotted to Trans, we need to pivot to womens rights generally.

This is a brilliant insight and I thank you for it.

Carrots90Nepo LadyDecember 12, 2024(Edited December 12, 2024)


Hats off to the terfs on TERF Island!h

VictoriaSpongeDecember 12, 2024(Edited December 12, 2024)

Saw the UK Reddit thread on this, usually they’re pretty sharp but it had been invaded by handmaidens and pedos who were screeching about how this was tantamount to genocide and that they were basically gonna start hunting gay people on the street next. Usual hyperbole then.

Saying gotchas like what about precocious puberty, “they’re harming those kids too, not just trans kids!” Like no, they are still allowed it, because they’re used on label to make puberty start when it’s meant to, not delay it so much people’s bodies start breaking.

Like oh, sorry, should doctors just be forced to prescribe whatever the patient wants, despite their medical training and knowing risks? Might go to my GP and demand some tramadol for my night in in that case. For my mental health, you know.

Many people, mostly women already have enough trouble getting medications and tests they desperately need, why do TIPs get to push to the front and get special treatment for a non-existent problem? Menopausal women have enough trouble getting HRT, but kids should get puberty blockers and hormones on demand, obviously.

Imagine being a doctor after all the shit they’ve had to face, protesting for better wages and treatment and the hate train they’ve been receiving despite everyone “clapping for the NHS”, just to be threatened with arrest if you don’t give mentally ill youth any drug they want, even if it’d destroy their lives. They expect everything to go their way if they shout and scream “genocide” enough. They can’t handle hearing “no”. I suppose it’s not totally their fault considering they expect it at this point after every organisation and group bowing to them out of fear or complacency.

What a great victory this is!

CathyVerattiDecember 12, 2024(Edited December 17, 2024)

Of course men like Matt Walsh will try to claim credit for the work women did that he simply parroted, but we know the truth.

Lord grant me the confidence of a mediocre man. I guarantee only the most terminally online UK-ians (and I include myself in that group...) have ever heard of that walking photoshop of a man.

WokeuplateDecember 12, 2024
Leithriel [OP]December 12, 2024

I know. There are always going to be creepy ass men pushing back or trying to find loopholes, and I hate that it is always going to be on women to hold the line. But we have this!

LizardQDecember 12, 2024

Yeah, we know the fight is never over, JFC, but can we be allowed to celebrate for one goddamn second?

The world is always going to have a shit ton of problems. We can stop and celebrate a win every now and then. We shouldn't become complacent, but let's just have this moment. That's okay too.

WokeuplateDecember 13, 2024

And let’s not celebrate a Pyrrhic victory. If puberty blockers are “banned” but also available via a research program to the entire universe of children trying to get access to them, are they really banned?

WokeuplateDecember 13, 2024

Did you read the article? This isn’t about creepy men. It is about the NHS creating a pathway for virtually all of the children on a wait list for puberty blockers to potentially get them via enrolling in the proposed research program. It isn’t about women holding the line. It is about the NHS saying BOTH that puberty blockers are banned AND research is forthcoming that will essentially provide puberty blockers to all existing interested parties. So is it really a ban if there is a state-provided pathway for children to receive blockers?

Leithriel [OP]December 13, 2024

It is a ban and the research will prove what we already know. The research pool will be limited, controlled and actual follow up statistics regarding detransition will be taken.

FeminaDecember 12, 2024

AWESOME! So happy for women and children in the UK! :)

twinklebarbieDecember 12, 2024

UK is really leading the fight. Thanks to the women out there!

HareDecember 12, 2024


JeSoPazzaDecember 13, 2024

This is terrific news but... Helen bloody Webberley and her husband will be rubbing their hands in glee, I bet. The private providers have to be shut down ASAP.

Leithriel [OP]December 13, 2024

Yep, thr work is not over. But the foundation is crumbling. Next steps involve targeting these predatory individuals specifically as an example.