RantTRA politicians slamming people "hateful" for questioning whether WI shooter is trans are being completely dishonest
Posted December 18, 2024 by Lilith-Fair in GenderCritical

A no-name nobody Congress rep, Mark Pocan, decided to get his 15 minutes of fame by slamming people who are wondering out loud whether the WI school shooter is trans. Pocan is the chair of the Congressional Equality Caucus which reportedly has the job of advancing LGBTQ equality in the House. He's telling people to f--k off for claiming the shooter is trans, calling them "idiots" who "hate".

His performative virtue signaling is so completely disingenuous. People are not claiming or wondering if the shooter is trans because of "hate". They're saying this out loud because you fuckers made words like "girl", "women", and "female" meaningless with your shitty ideology. Given that mass shooters have always been male, the public no longer trust you all when you report a criminal is "a girl", or any form of female. People have to guess and are making assumptions--yes based on no information--because your freakin "information" in regards to the sex of a "female" perpetrator is not to be trusted.

But of course he pretends this is all about "hate". The truth is, people like you started this shit. You created this mess and no one knows WTF you're talking about anymore. Words have no meaning.

As for the Madison police chief who said the shooter's gender identity is not important, sorry sir, but I beg to differ. Maybe you're saying this to stay above the fray. But you can't. Until we all have a common definition and understanding of what a "girl", a "woman", and "female" is, nobody knows WTF you're talking about. Even worse, we will always doubt you and suspect you're attributing male crimes to women and girls.


real_feministDecember 18, 2024

Yup. They normalized the press lying about people's sex and now they're mad that people don't believe what the press says about someone's sex. This was very foreseeable.

OnlyHumanDecember 18, 2024(Edited December 18, 2024)

They don't give out information so people just carry on with whatever some failed sleuthing or troll puts up

Can't be mad at people for trying to find information when they won't release shit though tbh

jelliknightDecember 18, 2024

The fact that mass shoot8ngs are an almost entirely male phenomenon matters. We cant solve a problem if we refuse to understand it. If there is suddenly a spike in female mass shootings, thats a new phenomenon, or a significant change in the existing one, that call for understanding.

But the precursor to understanding why something happened and how to stop it happening again is to know what actually fxxking happened!

pennygadgetDecember 18, 2024

And, if the females committing these male crimes largely identify as trans, we need to examine if the ideology and/or hormone drugs play a role in this uptick of females committing violent crimes

JehaneDecember 18, 2024

The first thought I had when I read that shooter was a girl? "I wonder if it was a TIM." It seems other people had that thought, too, and these days, it is a valid question because crimes like these are typically male yet there are people who insist that a rapist can be female because he identifies as a woman. So, yeah, that question is very valid.

DonnaFeminaDecember 18, 2024(Edited December 18, 2024)

"People are not claiming or wondering if the shooter is trans because of "hate". They're saying this out loud because you fuckers made words like "girl", "women", and "female" meaningless..."

YES, and also because:

Colorado Springs gay nightclub shooter: nonbinary (male) https://apnews.com/article/crime-shootings-colorado-gun-politics-denver-766baba4c80bb470eba9e6146c7b42aa

Denver charter school shooter: trans (male) https://www.reuters.com/article/world/transgender-teen-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-deadly-colorado-school-shooting-idUSKCN24Q03E/

Aberdeen, MD Rite Aid shooter: trans (female? male? The news sources differ) https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/22/opinions/maryland-shooter-woman-gender-and-motivation-james-gagliano/index.html

Nashville school shooter: trans (female) https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/details-nashville-shooters-gender-identity-sow-confusion-disinformatio-rcna77424

Philadelphia shooter: they/them cross-dressing male, though media insists "not trans" https://www.foxnews.com/us/officials-say-accused-philadelphia-shooter-kimbrady-carricker-not-transgender-despite-online-photos

Perry, Iowa school shooter: apparently trans (male) https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/musk-trump-jr-far-right-figures-seize-iowa-shooters-possible-lgbtq-ide-rcna132543

I'm not posting their names because murderers don't deserve fame.

National Review: "Why the Rise in Trans Shooters?" https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/04/why-the-rise-in-trans-shooters/

Iota_AurigaeDecember 18, 2024

TRAs and MRAs (same difference, really) are using the opportunity to spread around a fake manifesto claiming that the shooter was a radfem. This piece of disinformation seems to have originated from a neo-Nazi account who is specifically anti-feminist. Shocker.

eyeswideopenDecember 18, 2024

Yeah, this essay I link below is wild. They think the shooter idolized someone called Radfem Hitler.


Note: just posting the link for discussion purposes and not because I believe any of the assertions it makes.

OnlyHumanDecember 18, 2024

I'm skeptical of the discord messages considering she seems to have had male friends and an e-bf if anything above came from authentic sources... not exactly the individual you would think would want to wipe out all males. Unless the goal is just to write the most unhinged shit ever

Iota_AurigaeDecember 18, 2024

I had only heard of that account this week. It’s becoming increasingly hard to tell what’s satire and what isn’t, jfc.

DorothySayersDecember 18, 2024

the shooter’s deviant art profile indicated pronouns they/them. but it seems that offline rupnow went by female pronouns. her appearance and demeanor is somewhat androgynous which is why i think people also questioned whether she was trans or on T. We don’t really know at this point.

I’m friends with people whose kids went to the school and found out about the shooting via text before it made the news. It feels personal so it’s really weird that it’s already getting so political and being used as political talking points for gun control, trans, or whatever else.

OnlyHumanDecember 18, 2024(Edited December 18, 2024)

the shooter’s deviant art profile indicated pronouns they/them

Probably worth noting that DeviantArt requires pronounage and they/them + showing might be the default. That profile is barebones as fuck, no about, no pfp, no comments, no gallery and the only favorite is adolf hitler v3 (lol)

...so yeah. Probably not a TIF at any point of time

pennygadgetDecember 18, 2024

Probably worth noting that DeviantArt requires pronounage and they/them + showing might be the default.

I've had a DA account since before the gender fad exploded. I put "no gender" on my profile when I set it up because you get less harassment from weirdos when you don't explicitly state that you're female. A lot of female artists i knew did this simply to avoid lewd DMs

I can't say if that's why the shooter set the pronouns as they/them. But its a possibility (especially if its an older account)

AmareldysDecember 18, 2024

Apparently her name was Nathalie but she went by Samantha. Sam is a common NB girl name

SmellerbeeDecember 18, 2024

So they can have male-sounding nicknames, because they're Not Like Other Girls.

pennygadgetDecember 18, 2024

Sam has been a common nickname for Samantha long before this gender bullshit was a thing. The gender-special girls don't own unisex nicknames like "Sam" or "Alex"

AmareldysDecember 19, 2024

No but they use them a lot

LillithDecember 18, 2024

Is it bad that I am thrilled that a man is finally inconvenienced by this nonsense?

Also how can he say that the gender identity does not matter when he probably thinks that pronouns are literal violence too?

The chickens are coming home to roost.

Women2WomenDecember 18, 2024(Edited December 18, 2024)

Excellent post.

All the denials and deflections by the pols and police, just raises more suspicions: thou dost protest too much!

PracticalMagicDecember 18, 2024

If trans people were fully accepted they could and should be called trans people. This is what TRAs should work on not obfuscation.

RainbowWindowsDecember 19, 2024

But TRAs are not a legit minority group fighting for their personhood to be acknowledged, so they will continue navel gazing and shooting up schools instead.

pennygadgetDecember 18, 2024

Also, this shooting is eerily similar to the one in Nashville last year that was also perpetrated by a female (Audrey Hale identified as an "Aiden" and also shot up a Christian school). Its not surprising that people would wonder if this shooting was done by another mentally disturbed TIF

And yeah, when the news regularly reports male rapists & killers as "females", it makes sense to ask questions when we're told that a female committed a type of crime that is committed by young men 99% of the time.

BadNews8December 18, 2024

That was my first thought! I read the NYT article and then came over here to see about the truth of things.

valedemosDecember 18, 2024(Edited December 18, 2024)

According to this the shooter was actually a radicalized radfem and this trans thing is part of right wing propagate https://shatterzone.substack.com/p/the-madison-wisconsin-school-shooter

Committing_TerveryDecember 18, 2024

She is derided by both those on the right and left, but has a small dedicated following of conservative radfem women with trad or occult interests.

Once again, words no longer have any meaning. You cannot be a conservative and/or trad radfem; the beliefs are completely incompatible.

forestheart13December 19, 2024

Right? And like it's so hard then to get an actual understanding of what this kid believed? 'Right-wing' feminism is also name-dropped, I guess I could see liberal feminism qualifying for that if we're talking about economic alignment, but then radical feminism certainly wouldn't work for that?! It's such a muddled mess.

pennygadgetDecember 18, 2024

You cannot be a conservative and/or trad radfem; the beliefs are completely incompatible

Seriously. It's like being an Orthodox Christian Atheist. It doesn't compute LOL

eyeswideopenDecember 19, 2024

I'm an Orthodox Christian atheist actually. Born into an Orthodox family and baptized when I was 6 months old. Stopped believing the god of the Bible (or any gods) existed when I was about 13. I still participate in family events that center around our Orthodox church and accompany my parents to services. It's the same thing as being an atheist Jew. Culturally I'm Orthodox, but I don't believe that god exists, Jesus was raised from the dead, etc.