You’d think the MAGA Hat Donald Trump fans were a lot less of a problem on your website than men posting detailed fantasies of raping women like me, but apparently not. Orange Man Bad, Raping Lesbians Good. Orange Man Bad, Lesbians Have A Penis You Fucking TERF Bitch.
My take is "both are terrible and Reddit is better off without them" and I know I'll get an onslaught of disagreement. I also think there's probably more overlap between those two groups than people realize, or want to realize.
If there's one area in which men across the political spectrum can agree, it's their enjoyment of using women as their sex toys, and how much those kind of men love to break their toys.
It's more the fact they're happy to censor who half the country voted for - i.e unfortunately a mainstream politician for 'hate' - but men can post thousands of words about 'dubious consent' fantasies about 'converting lesbians' or 'unwillingly breeding lesbians', or terabytes of vile pornography.
That's OK, but Donald Trump is triggering and hateful? Trump is evil, but watching and reading pornography about raping lesbian women is just harmless kink?
An unfortunate reality and the reason why it makes an excellent object for this kind of pushback. Good luck! 💪