PointerJanuary 28, 2025

Getting the gays to revolt against trans is key in dismantling this whole thing

StrawberryCoughJanuary 28, 2025

That's so true. The pushback has to come, strongly, from rich white gay men, or it's not going to happen.

NastasyaFillipovnaJanuary 29, 2025

Please please please separate the LGB from the Ts

WatcherattheGates [OP]January 28, 2025

Totally agree.

hellamomzillaJanuary 28, 2025(Edited January 28, 2025)

As my former Marine husband says almost daily, “The military isn’t a microcosm of society. It’s a group of people tasked with killing our enemies and breaking their stuff. If you think that YOU, as an individual, are more important than that, you do not belong in the military.”

We were watching a limited series made in the late-90s/early 2000s about SEAL training. 25-ish years ago, this was spoken about openly in a way you NEVER hear now. That the goal is MILITARY. That the reason for training is to focus everything on the actual goal, not individual identity. In fact, that is EXPLICITLY SUBSUMED and reoriented to doing the task of killing and breaking the enemy’s stuff and supporting your fellow soldier/sailor/Marine.

This is the base issue. The military has been moved from being the military to pretending that you can have a military which functions as such by making it more like society. This is false.

If your identity is such that you cannot do what is demanded of military personnel, you are not suited to be in the military. Pretending that you are the opposite sex and getting the US government to pay for unnecessary surgery and to damage your endocrine system is NOT participating in the military.

vulvapeopleJanuary 28, 2025(Edited January 28, 2025)

This reminds me of when I took an anthropology class, and one of the units was about hair. The act of severely cutting hair has been used by many cultures to enforce conformity, and it just so happens the military has traditionally done that as well.

atomic_brunetteJanuary 28, 2025

Historically, short hair was important in war and conflict because it made it harder for the enemy to grab you by the hair and slit your throat. It's one reason the Roman army was able to defeat its enemies.

AtropaBelladonnaJanuary 29, 2025

Yes, that along with shaving off facial hair was socially reinforced as the “mark of a gentleman”.

I love Roman military history. I was into it in my 30’s, and I’m one of those people that notice when movies/ tv shows get things wrong (like Vikings using the testudo formation, a tactic unique to the Roman military).

That meme a while ago about men thinking about Rome weirded me out, because I think often of Rome myself (like when thinking about politics, law, philosophy, class stratification, indoor plumbing, military, etc).

atomic_brunetteJanuary 29, 2025

Omg are you me? I love ancient history of all cultures and I had the same reaction to that Roman meme.

(like when thinking about politics, law, philosophy, class stratification, indoor plumbing, military, etc).

What have the Romans ever done for us?!

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

What have the Romans ever done for us?!

One of the greatest scenes in cinema!

Along with "It says Romans go home!"

sensusquaeramraised by wolvesJanuary 28, 2025

^ All of this.

The irony also does not escape me that Biden comes from one of the US states with an active WWII coastal defense legacy. It's a tiny state and many of the towers are still there. It's not like you grow up around that not knowing what the military's role is.

NastasyaFillipovnaJanuary 28, 2025

I think it's a good idea to not give advanced weapons and combat tactics training to the group which threatens suicide like its eating candy

OwnLyingEyesJanuary 28, 2025

Not to mention who constantly threaten other people over the faintest suspicion of wrongthink.

FemmeEtalJanuary 28, 2025

They also threaten mass homicide (“Kill all TERFs, Karens, trumpers, etc) and are routinely praised for it. We’re talking about enlisting terrorists against our own citizens, it’s madness.

TheMothershipJanuary 28, 2025

Not only threaten mass homicide - COMMIT mass homicide- the trans school and/or mass shooter is a thing !

StrawberryCoughJanuary 28, 2025

If we ruled out the class of society that carries out mass homicide, there would be no army. If, globally, we removed all weapons from the homicidal social class, we wouldn't need one.

VestalVirginJanuary 28, 2025

While that is true, I do think it is possible to have a military made up of at least mostly people who don't want to commit mass homocide against the citizens of their own country, and people who view homicide as distasteful but are willing to do it if necessary.

(There's a reason why France never allowed their mercenary army to be stationed in France. People who view it as amoral to kill their own country's citizens are more easy to find than people who are willing to kill for money, but only if the money is being willingly offered.)

FeministunderyrbedJanuary 28, 2025

I mean, diabetics can’t serve. Why should TIPs?

RuneOwlJanuary 28, 2025

You can’t enlist even with conditions nowhere near as potentially life-threatening as diabetes.

For example, ADHD—which is ironic, because the rigid discipline of military life is the perfect work environment to keep them on track. Someone who is easily bored with an abundance of energy they have trouble channeling in a productive way is well suited for a job with strict routines that can also be unpredictable and physically demanding. A lot of them struggle in traditional schooling so it kind of sucks that this option isn’t available as a career path.

If people with ADHD can’t serve despite their condition not necessarily making them incapable, why is something far more impactful to physical and mental health like transitioning not a problem? Even worse, taxpayers have to foot the bill for something that is a huge waste of medical resources that should be going to injured vets.

SuddenlyRamenJanuary 28, 2025

This has always got to me

UnderTheKaleidescopeJanuary 28, 2025

Flat feet, bad backs, color blindness, poor hearts.

catsrterfJanuary 28, 2025

Yeah, I'm not surprised. We are talking about people that break down over every little perceived inconvenience. Then they have to take their hormones every day. The squad ain't gonna wait for Lilith or Aidan to do his estrogen shots out in combat.

I wouldn't be surprised if TIPs were using the military just so they can get their mutilations covered after medical discharge.

RueEgg ProducerJanuary 28, 2025

"I know my squad got overrun without my help but I had to DILATE!!"

catsrterfJanuary 28, 2025


VestalVirginJanuary 28, 2025

If I could bring myself to inventing a fantasy universe where TIPs exist, I might write a LotR-inspired high fantasy book where all the cute little halflings die because the big strong men were busy dilating.

Someone has to make fun of this.

AtropaBelladonnaJanuary 28, 2025

I wouldn't be surprised if TIPs were using the military just so they can get their mutilations covered after medical discharge.

Up until Trump said he was going to ban them from the military, they were encouraging each other all over Preddit to do exactly that, and some do (did?) it while they're still active duty.

RueEgg ProducerJanuary 28, 2025

That's why they all seem to gravitate to Starbucks.

CharliXXJanuary 28, 2025

I think SB coffee is gross so I laugh at that TIP-appeasing own goal and happily go to the competition where I won't risk testosterone gel on my damn cup

RueEgg ProducerJanuary 30, 2025

I will admit, I'm a sucker for the pumpkin spice.

TheMothershipJanuary 28, 2025

Daaamn -good point! I hadn’t even considered that!

LadyLuckJanuary 28, 2025

Omg Starbucks near me is easily 1/3 medicalized people working there

VestalVirginJanuary 28, 2025

Is that why the coffee is so ridiculously expensive?

catsrterfJanuary 28, 2025

Great, hundreds of thousands of tax payer money have been wasted on these bozos.

OwnLyingEyesJanuary 28, 2025

Probably a lot more than that. Each one can be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

SarahWilliams_13January 28, 2025

It’s a pretty good idea when you think about it. Join up. Transition. The military pays for all your surgeries and medications, housing, healthcare, college, puts you on light duty while you’re recovering and ALSO while you’re ’learning your new gender’ (yes they have you practice being a woman for months before you’re released to regular duty). Milk that for as long as possible. Wait out your four years, get out and you’ve basically got healthcare for life. Which is great because you’ll need continuous medical intervention forever to maintain the charade.

VestalVirginJanuary 28, 2025

It’s a pretty good idea when you think about it

Except for the part where you end up being a lifelong medical patient.

I mean, yes, if you managed, in some way, to keep your diabetes diagnosis hidden from the authorities and then joined the military and then, once they couldn't get rid of you anymore, enjoyed all the benefits, that would be smart.

But making yourself a lifelong medical patient is almost never a good idea. (I mean, yeah, there's those stories about men who hacked their legs off to not be drafted and thus survived the war, but apart from that ...)

SarahWilliams_13January 28, 2025

Anyone who medically transitions is going to have a lifelong medical condition to manage. TIMs have a gaping hole that is fashioned into a ‘vaginal canal’ that is constantly trying to close up because the body knows it’s not supposed to be there. I’m less familiar with what TIFs have medically, but I can’t imagine it’s care free.

The TIMs and TIFs that have medically transitioned that I’ve encountered have had a host of other medical issues either comorbid to the transition or otherwise affected by it. They are constantly at the doctors, dealing with pain or this or that.

syntaxerrorSpatch that cockJanuary 29, 2025

I’m less familiar with what TIFs have medically, but I can’t imagine it’s care free.

Oh, while it’s hard to truly say, if TIFs choose to get the full on phalloplasty surgery, the complications can often be worse than TIMs.

The reason for this mostly has to do with the issues that come from trying to lengthen a urethra as opposed to shortening it

VestalVirginJanuary 29, 2025

TIFs also seem to get lots of joint problems from the testosterone. Which probably almost all of them take.

mathloverJanuary 28, 2025

They are. They explicitly say so in discussions among themselves.

lskiJanuary 29, 2025

The only people in the armed forces should be people who can pass all the physical requirements and are deployable.

That rules out a lot of people. And why not? What do armed forces exist for? I am short and not very strong or fast and even at my peak of fitness would likely have struggled to meet requirements or be of any practical use in combat. Why should the forces have to accomodate me? I do not have what they need to be of use to them. Insisting that they accept people who cannot carry out the role is madness.

GraysEndlessInciteJanuary 28, 2025(Edited January 28, 2025)

As a veteran of the Army Corp of Engineers I think it's deliberately disingenuous to say "diversity is our strength" in the context of a combat unit. Taking gangs of young men, giving them access to and training with lethal personal weapons, flying them out to a foreign desert and then adding some young women to the mix is a recipe for disaster. The documentary "Invisible War" is about the huge amount of SA women suffer in the US military, and that's on the homefront.

Put "disciplined" soldiers in a warzone with less supervision and they can become wanton heavily-armed thugs pretty quickly, especially when recruiting needs are high and convicts start getting enlistment wavers. Not every soldier would do SA but practically none are going to stop their comrades from doing it, that's a quick way to "accidentally" end up dead. Moral principles don't hold much weight against trained and armed killers.

The violence supposedly faced by TIMs is vastly overstated in most contexts but in a real warzone, yeah I can imagine them getting fragged ("accidentally" killed) pretty often. Regardless they would be terrible for cohesion and morale and just generally piss off most of the Meatheads that serve on the front lines.

Women1stJanuary 28, 2025

In fact, gender dysphoria is not considered a mental illness in the traditional sense, but it is a recognized condition in medical and psychological fields.

Which is a sign of the TRA influence in medicine. Whereas all other forms of body dysmorphia are considered mental health conditions.

Either way, Smith argued that the condition further undermines the stability and cohesion of military units.

If undeployable and high cost for medical- what is the point of serving?

DonnaFeminaJanuary 28, 2025(Edited January 28, 2025)

Which is a sign of the TRA influence in medicine. Whereas all other forms of body dysmorphia are considered mental health conditions.

Not to mention, if it's not a mental health condition, then why should any treatment for it be covered by health insurance?

Pick a lane, guys. Either you're sick, so your insurance covers treatment, or you're not sick and you just want cosmetic surgery - which insurance doesn't cover. It's one or the other, not both.

RappaccinisDaughterJanuary 28, 2025

Yes! This is what I've been saying all along! It can't be normal and healthy and ALSO be a life-threatening ailment that needs immediate treatment.

RNPhalaropeJanuary 29, 2025

Ditto! How do they manage to have it both ways?

(Some how I think there is a joke in there about binary, hermaphrodism, etc. but I am not clever enough.)

sensusquaeramraised by wolvesJanuary 28, 2025

Beyond access to "transing" meds and related procedures under Biden -- nothing.

I'm GenX, and the vast majority of military enlisteds I knew in my age cohort (congregated in a handful of specialist fields) joined for one of two reasons -- education benefits for college (during enlistment and afterwards), and to help pay off student debt accrued before they joined. It was extremely common.

RuneOwlJanuary 28, 2025

I’m pretty sure we’ll never have student loan forgiveness or meaningful reform specifically because it keeps the military supplied with enough new recruits. If it didn’t, they’d find some other way to coerce young people into joining.

sensusquaeramraised by wolvesJanuary 28, 2025

It seems that way, doesn't it? And my experience was back when state universities were still within the realm of being affordable -- it's all much more expensive now.

StrawberryCoughJanuary 28, 2025

I'm also Gen X. I knew some people who also joined to escape abusive home situations.

sensusquaeramraised by wolvesJanuary 28, 2025

Oh yeah, I'm sure that was a thing too.

OwnLyingEyesJanuary 28, 2025

If undeployable and high cost for medical- what is the point of serving?

Complete ideological capture. Nowhere can be exempt.

CattitudeJanuary 28, 2025

And grifting.

OwnLyingEyesJanuary 28, 2025
