[Deleted]December 16, 2023

Do regular inmates get their cosmetic surgeries paid for? Or is just to "validate" the mentally-ill. Also, look at those numbers. 4 MILLION dollars for 157 people.

I remember when Trump banned trans people from getting surgeries covered by the military, and all these idiots were showing a screenshot of charts of "how little it is compared to other military spending." Not taking into account that the tiny amount of people spending that much of the military's budget was way too much. Can you imagine if every service member took up that much of the budget?

No one ever spends this much on any other group of people.

DietCokeAddictDecember 16, 2023

Could be even fewer than 157 people - those are the number of surgical procedures, not the number of patients who’ve had one (or more).

Also, is it a bit strange that trans people are 0.5% of the California general population but 2% of its prison population? Thats about 4 times as many trans prisoners as you would expect.

(Sources: California trans population 0.49%, California prison population 92k, of which trans prisoners) 1.8k)

MegasaurusDecember 16, 2023(Edited December 16, 2023)

Also, is it a bit strange that trans people are 0.5% of the California general population but 2% of its prison population? Thats about 4 times as many trans prisoners as you would expect.>

We’re not supposed to notice that. If we insist on noticing inconvenient facts like these, we at least need to blame it on transphobia.

We especially aren’t supposed to notice that they’re disproportionately sex offenders, even before the current trans madness: https://cpb-us-e2.wpmucdn.com/sites.uci.edu/dist/0/1149/files/2013/06/A-Demographic-Assessment-of-Transgender-Inmates-in-Mens-Prisons.pdf

LadylucyDecember 18, 2023

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, 49 percent of the transgender prisoners have been convicted for sex crimes.

ProxyMusicDecember 18, 2023

Just to be clear: the BOP figures aren't for "transgender prisoners" in the USA, thy're for transgender-identifed male prisoners in federal custody for convictions on federal crimes. So they've been investigated for crimes by arms of the US federal government such as the FBI and Secret Service; they've been prosecuted by US attorneys working for the US Department of Justice, and they've been tried and convicted in federal court overseen by federal judges.

Federal prisoners in BOP custody make up less than 10% of the total prison population in the USA. Most criminals in the US are in state, county and local jails and prisons doing time due to being convicted on state and local charge by state and local authorities.

awake1000December 17, 2023

that is a great point! why is the "trans" population so prone to criminality?

WrongToyDecember 17, 2023

Only one of these procedures is for ftm, double mastectomy. It counts for about a million dollars.

Implants, facial fem, laser hair and fake vaginas are all mtf,

[Deleted]December 16, 2023

That's such a good point, you're right. It could have been fewer people with multiple procedures - which makes it even worse.

And yes, that's such a good point! Thank you for those stats. Either they're identifying more in jail, or trans are more likely to go to jail. Either one doesn't make them look good.

pennygadgetDecember 16, 2023

Thank you for getting those numbers

WrennDecember 16, 2023

They don’t cover medically necessary drugs or procedures half the time

WrongToyDecember 16, 2023

They don’t cover breast reductions that cause back problems. You have to identify after which you might get them cut off.

[Deleted]December 16, 2023

Of course not...getting something done for women that's an actual medical problem comes last. Clown world.

pennygadgetDecember 16, 2023

Not taking into account that the tiny amount of people spending that much of the military's budget was way too much. Can you imagine if every service member took up that much of the budget?

This is such a good point. It doesn't matter if this money is a drop in the bucket compared to all other prison & military spending. Its still unfair that such a small amount of people get paid out millions for COSMETIC surgeries when there are veterans and inmates who can't get necessary health care. And allowing in more trans people just means more money gets wasted.

Rude_And_TattooedDecember 17, 2023(Edited December 17, 2023)

I'm a type 1 diabetic in the US. Absolutely none of my necessary medical supplies are covered 100% by any insurance option available to me. The "best" insurances have the highest monthly premiums and deductibles that continue to rise each year.

And then this. I am beyond disgusted by this radical, tyrannical movement and the lengths to which the government ensures they are protected at all costs... But the only cost is to us taxpayers.

pennygadgetDecember 17, 2023

My dad is diabetic and also requires ostomy supplies. Medicare barely pays for what he needs. But my tax dollars go to THIS bullshit

LumosDecember 16, 2023

How many prisoners are suffering from untreated medical problems? How many have died?

How many have painful rotten teeth?

How many women don’t have enough menstrual supplies?

But sure, we have the money for cosmetic surgeries with HIGH complication rates.

LizardQDecember 16, 2023(Edited December 16, 2023)

It just proves to me that a segment of the medical industry is happy to have these people to do their gruesome experimental research on, and they'll go to great effort to lobby for it.

Iota_AurigaeDecember 16, 2023

Okay, maybe I’m banking on exposing my city here, but fuck it, it’s fairly big anyway:

We a rather large homeless encampment here. It’s by a river, right alongside a bike path. I biked through that area a year ago not knowing exactly where the encampment was, and I was surprised at just how big it was. The encampment is so big that it comes up near a playground. Not exactly a stone’s throw, but not far by any means, either.

This past fall I visited an area with a different encampment alongside a different river + trail. This one was in the vicinity of a couple of heritage parks, an outdoor museum, and a children’s park.

Visitors to these areas would definitely feel put off by the sheer amount of homeless people, especially in the vicinity of kids.

I’ve seen neighborhoods where there are “NO TINY HOMES NEXT TO X SCHOOL/Y LIBRARY/Z PARK” signs in everyone’s lawns. They’re trying to fix the issue by building small houses for the homeless, but continually decide that they should put them in the worst possible locations. Meanwhile, rent in the Bay Area is insanity. Gee, I wonder if that could be contributing to anything!

I hear it’s worse in San Francisco. No, it is worse there. I almost stepped in human feces on the sidewalk there years ago. I’ve seen their drug epidemic on the news before. I have no idea what it’s like in the rest of the state.

My point is: that is four million dollars that could have alleviated the homeless epidemic our leaders complain about, right down the drain. Instead of making a small minority of people maybe happy for a little while, that money could have gone towards some of the most disadvantaged people in our society.

I think there will probably be non-Californians in this thread talking about the homelessness crisis here, and for anyone who’s skeptical, I’m coming to you straight from the metropolitan part of the state to say: yes, it is as bad as people say it is.

And instead of doing something about it, like, I don’t know, allocating $4,000,000 to alleviate this issue, they’ve tossed it down the shitter.

readfreakDecember 18, 2023

It is because CA Pols are a bunch of grifters. You cannot even build an outdoor bathroom near the homeless without it costing millions of dollars. And that is just for a steel toilet, sink, and enclosure. I live in a small Northern CA town and we have a ton of homeless here. And the homeless activists in CA don't want any change and don't seem to want to see these people housed. To get anything done or built in CA you have to go through a ton of city planners and every one of them will cost money. Everyone wants a kickback.

[Deleted]December 17, 2023

From the description alone I thought you were talking about 2 cities in WA.

Iota_AurigaeDecember 17, 2023

Lol, I guess I don’t have to worry about some deranged hate reader TRA finding my location then

pennygadgetDecember 17, 2023

Your comment about the "no tiny home" signs reminds me of this story out if Los Angeles

Sadly, there is a lot of money in keeping the homeless problem going. Shady non-profits and government programs don't want this problem to be solved

pennygadgetDecember 17, 2023

Sadly, your description fits a LOT of cities.

[Deleted]December 16, 2023

All of this needs to be ended. No more funding these surgeries at taxpayer's expense.

littleowl12December 16, 2023

Imagine what that money could have done for impoverished kids, getting free tutoring to catch them up to their peers.

For "boobies."

pennygadgetDecember 16, 2023

Or, since we're talking about prison spending, a program to help them learn a trade and reintegrate into society upon release.

KaboodleDecember 17, 2023

Money well spent! To take a bunch of hideous violent males and transform them into stunning and brave hideous violent males!

CataclysmicDecember 16, 2023

Honestly, I’d be fine with it as long as it’s only given to violent male offenders and the only surgery they allow is one where they cut off their dick.

PtarmagantDecember 16, 2023(Edited December 16, 2023)

And testicles. Package deal, so to speak.

DonnaFeminaDecember 17, 2023

What an absolute waste. Can you imagine if they'd spent that much money on domestic violence shelters, or college scholarships for single moms, or virtually any other thing that helps women? I mean can you imagine how much better things would be? Instead they wasted it helping prisoners with their kinks. Insanity.

hellamomzillaDecember 16, 2023

Stop, California. You’re high.

WhichWitchAmIDecember 17, 2023

Hope the woman running against Scott Weiner has access to this information.

pennygadgetDecember 17, 2023

I hope she's on Ovarit

PinkPeoniesInTheRainDecember 17, 2023

Given that she's described as:

a soon-to-be 26-year-old queer woman of color with roots in community activism

She probably doesn't think $4M is enough. 🙄


StealthRadfemDecember 17, 2023(Edited December 17, 2023)

There are two women running against Weiner and this is the reality-based female candidate:


She seems pretty awesome. https://twitter.com/cynthia4senate/status/1727794501044117560

PinkPeoniesInTheRainDecember 17, 2023

There are two women running against Weiner and this is the reality-based female candidate:

Good to know there's a sane person running -- thanks!

[Deleted]December 16, 2023

Are any of them women who’ve received fake penis surgery?

WrongToyDecember 16, 2023

Not a damn one. Double mastectomies, however, is the most common one

DietCokeAddictDecember 16, 2023

According to the breakdown, no, but there were 40 double mastectomies

WrongToyDecember 17, 2023

The surgery tally doesn’t even include meds or the complications thereof. We all know Buck Angel’s uterus, ovaries, etc fused and had to be removed.

Who pays for that?

awake1000December 17, 2023

I am gobsmacked!!!

AnnieBanannyDecember 17, 2023(Edited December 17, 2023)

Prisoner- I’m a lady I need facial feminization

California- awesome we will pay for this hooray for your bravery

Prisoner with a new face- haha I’m definitely not using this new face to commit more crimes or anything lol

IggyanaDecember 17, 2023

Some of these men are on death row. They're spending 💰 on men who will never get out of prison.