Sorry (not sorry) -- biology matters more than your "feelz."
Why the "X" on my passport matters
Despite my long hair, lipstick and dress, my receding hairline and broad shoulders will mean I’d get an M.
Because -- d'uh -- you're a man. Again, we learn that it's all about appearance. Speaking of, here's the lovely Professor Rosenblum in all his ... her ... their (🙄) ... glory.
Imagine paying a shitload of money to attend law school and getting this guy as your instructor. And, of course, his focus is on "diversity initiatives and remedies for sex inequality." Sex inequality meaning "men's rights."
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I feel as if just reading this stuff is causing air to be sucked out of the room. The fact that the government ever pandered to this nonsense is embarrassing
Lol on r/passports the trans and their sycophants are calling this a literal genocide. People are being deported, American citizens detained, Musk is looting the government, but your clerical issues are a literal genocide. These people are hardcore narcissists.
What an excellent article explaining why the X on passports really doesn't matter
The "X" is dumb for a million reasons. But it also endangers him because, if he goes missing in a foreign country, the authorities won't know what to look for. They won't know if they should check the morgues for male or female bodies, Check the hospitals for unidentified male or female assault victims, Etc
The literal only time I think of my passport is when I have to get my photo taken for it or when I have to remember it for travel. It could identify me as a hardened seaman and I wouldn't give a shit
What a blowhard. It's because you're biologically MALE, asshole. There's no validation or meaning behind what your physical reality is, it just IS. You can pretend as much you as you want, buy all the dresses and cosmetic procedures you want, but it doesn't change the fact that humans cannot change their sex and knowing your sex is a relevant marker in the real world.
The job of border agents is to identify people. The categories of M, F and X provide a bit of information that helps them do so. "Imagine what it was like for agents when I would pass through as an M, with my hair, nails, scarves, jewelry and dresses. They were perplexed: Is this an F or an M? They’d question me for a few minutes and then keep me moving. This had nothing to do with a phobia, but rather the inefficiency of M and F had made their job harder."
If you want efficiency, this is much more helpful and efficient
Male, and you will need either 5 women or one man present for him to not ‘lose it”*** if called ‘male’ openly
*** is it really ‘losing it’ though, when they can fully control themselves when there’s consequences for bad behavior?
"Imagine what it was like for agents when I would pass through as an M, with my hair, nails, scarf, jewellery and dresses. They were perplexed: is this an F or an M?" When someone is that deep in delusion, where do you even start? No one is perplexed, mate!
Agents know what to expect when I show my ID, and that’s exactly what they get.
They expect nothing useful, and they get nothing useful.
Letting people lie about their sex on their supposed to help border agents identify them?
A man in makeup and a dress is still clearly a man.
Should all men with a feminine presentation have to put "X" on their passport? For the "efficiency" he's supposedly so concerned about? 😒
Apparently feminine gay men (or even just campy straight guys) must identify as genderless blobs on government documents
Wow, real progressive dude
Also metalheads and hippies. They have long hair.
"X" is too broad a category. How would that help them ensure that he is in fact the person depicted in the passport when he looks male, but there's also female genderspecials?
I wouldn't be opposed to them getting to write "crossdresser" in the passport. I mean, I think my drivers license states that I wear glasses, so I can see why it'd be useful to add frequently worn accessoires to ID.
I think we should let them have “X”. It could be real simple, TIFs get “XX” and the TIMs get “XY” lol
SP for "sex pest" perhaps.
Dammit, I usually go to the airport with no makeup and wearing baggy clothes -- none of which are pink! Better change me to M so no one gets confused!
Yes, better change that STAT.
I'd accept AGP.
lol. The “X” means that you’re now barred from international travel
Be great if AGP meant they weren't allowed entry anywhere.
Well it definitely serves as a red flag for additional scrutiny.
Have the biggest dude at the checkpoint throw on a She/Her pin before putting on a latex glove and informing the TIM of his upcoming cavity search. Bonus points if the initial glove is too small and immediately breaks.