Workshopping a half baked gender relations idea. I’m open to any and all input and suggestions.
Here’s the gist -
Patriarchy is founded on the idea of respect towards men. We all know the millions of reasons it doesn’t work and is bad for us all, but jt is at the very least, sort of a normy framework.
But what happens when men STOP trying to act respectable?
I’m talking everything from slobs that loaf around the house while their wives do everything to TIMs who well…we all know what they do.
We have several generations of Peter Pan men or worse.
Meanwhile, we women have been working harder than ever. Becoming more respectable than ever. Doing it all.
And these guys just do less and less and less.
They want to do nothing and contribute nothing but demand EVERYTHING. Our bodies, access to our spaces, our attention.
What I’m asking is how do we all live with this army of weak, dangerous men?
Hehe I love this