I haven’t been on this platform for a short while but I wanted to discuss something that I find to be alarming.
I can barely even step a foot onto my Twitter feed without seeing some post along the lines of this sort of phrases/words “t4t yaoi/yuri kys transfem, tmasc, etc.” I don’t even use the platform anymore because I find it to be stressful for myself.
Why is it that trans is the most controversial topic out there? I’ve seen completely civilized conversations about race, international relations, and even sexism but barely anyone can stand from a logical standpoint. I don’t think they (‘trans’ kids) should be dead, but I also don’t think they should continue feeding into their delusional beliefs that our society internalized them to have and enable.
Whenever I see a sane person say on xitter “just because I feel neutral or don’t really have a favor towards xyz” most of the replies from TRAs (especially young ones within the 12-17 range) there’s always someone saying “SHUT UPPPP” or sending death threats or completely disregarding their argument and assuming it’s based off of hate. Twitter kids act like they’re all mighty for teaming against eachother, but I find it to be pathetic at the most if their only argument is “trans people have completely non delusional identities and any questioning views should not be brought up, the movement is 1000% perfect and the problem is you” I have completely lost interest in talking to these people, every single year they become worse and worse. When transgender was introduced into fandoms, I was fine as to be fair, (I was a little kid) but then they introduced neopronouns, eventually it got normalized, now transmasc butch lesbians, turning straight ships lesbian because they like the idea of said popular male character being seen as a woman more than any better fitting female character, every time new shit gets introduced, people start to become more aggressive. It’s like a barrel of toxic waste being poured onto land, over time the animals adapt to the strange substance, sometimes even needing it survive. (I don’t know if this is scientifically accurate but I’m using this as a figurative analogy)
Sometimes I feel fully convinced that I’m losing my mind, but am I really? Would it be fair to face all of that harassment over a made up character and be socially excluded, all while some of these people are claiming to have disorders that you were professionally diagnosed with, yet showing no signs of struggle and playing it off as a funny little label game? Would it be funny to have these people laughing in your face like 5 year olds while you’re struggling with the issues that you have, yet not knowing who to tell because you’re scared to make friends after the fear they instilled in you?
I don’t want to be worrying about whether or not my siblings or cousins will believe in this cultish ideology. I am not detrans but I believe that there must be a direct correlation between mental illnesses and transgenderism. I don’t want any more kids to be thrown into psychiatric care like me in result of these communities glamorizing self harm and many other horrible things. Instead of worrying about healing myself, I was scared I wouldn’t be considered ‘valid’ if I didn’t cut deep enough. I don’t want other people to be so convinced that they had disorders, it slowly begins to come true. I wish more people were informed of how life destroying a community like this could be. If I didn’t know about fandoms or trans at all, most likely I would be living a regular life.
Why is it that more people are dying, America is becoming more illiterate, psychiatric hospitals are proven to be inhumane, but people care more about what set of pronouns they’re called. All of this made up nonsense is utter bullshit. We need to wake up.
Detransitioners have it hard. From a young age they were isolated and taught that they needed to change their physical characteristics under the knife. Trans community is aware of their experiences, instead of helping them and understanding them, they are scared that their reputation is ruined more.
There is not much of a wonder as to why so many of TIPs are autistic. Oftentimes, autistic people do not feel a certain “gender” and many of autistic women and girls fall down the rabbit hole because of their lack of connection of adherence to social norms. Autistic people also tend to communicate with eachother more than they do to non-autistic peers. Autistic people are also more likely to be involved with fandoms, which in that case a bunch of fandoms are filled to the brim with TIPs. I am autistic myself, and even being trans felt like a social pressure alike to acting like one of the “popular girls” I never felt connection to this however, so I was as I was.
I’m sorry if this post has a bunch of word repetition, I do not write essays well but I try hard to express my opinions in the most genuine way.
Yes it’s absolutely cultish. I think it’s such a big issue because trans ideology has literally broken the fabric of reality across societal, medical, legal, political etc institutions in the most abhorrent way possible: it is anti science, it abuses children, it harms gay people, it harms people with mental illness and, fundamentally, it is profoundly patriarchal and misogynistic as it is a movement that literally says that men know better than women what it is to be a woman and should therefore have access to all parts of womanhood previously kept out of reach from them. This movement crosses boundaries that should not be crossed. It enables perverts on a grand scale. It is deeply unethical and immoral. And it is utterly false. No other religion in the modern west has had such reach in recent decades. No other religion has been taken as the literal truth by all professional institutions. It is truly shocking.
I just want to add too that I am sorry for what you had to go through in psychiatric hospital and with your mental illness and self harm. I can relate. It is angering we still have teens and adults being mistreated, neglected, abused and given long term trauma from psych hospitals and nothing is being done about it in any significant way. Meanwhile, doctors are cutting bits off of healthy bodies, poisoning healthy bodies and enabling mental delusion on a mass scale.
You’re spot on. I recently came across a reddit post talking specifically about how feminism has ruined the trans movement.
They KNOW what they are doing is misogyny.
Sometimes I feel fully convinced that I’m losing my mind, but am I really?
You are the sane one. You're not the one who's confused. Trans IS a cult, minus the charismatic leader.
I think most people who have peaked have gone through this feeling. It is part of how the cult maintains power.
I figured this out many, many years ago. It drove me out of creative spaces, away from places that had always been open towards nerdy women.
I hate it. I've gone from being open and social, to cold and business-like, not allowing myself to get close to potential friends. I can put on a cheery personality and act supportive, but it's an act. I hate manipulative people myself, and forcing myself to be one is not fun.
People can do whatever with their bodies, but I don't exist to prop up someone's fantasy.
"Why is it that trans is the most controversial topic out there?"
For myself...it's because you're either pro-women or pro-trans. There is no middle ground
I'm on GC twitter and there are many, many people who recognize it's a cult.
At this point I think Trans is a castration cult. It's the most evil I've seen in my lifetime and it's destroying society.
The two main tenets of the transgender cult are castration and suicide. They brag about it.
Transgenderism is a death cult that recruits children.
Have you read about the Skoptsy?
"The Skoptsy (castrates) referred to themselves as the "White Doves". Their aim was to perfect the individual by eradicating original sin, which they believed had come into the world by the first coitus between Adam and Eve. They believed that human genitals were the true mark of Cain, and that the true message of Jesus Christ included the practice of castration, that Jesus himself had been a castrate, and that his example had been followed by the apostles and the early Christian saints."
"There were two kinds of castration: the "lesser seal" and the "greater seal". For men, the "lesser seal" meant the removal of the testicles only, while the "greater seal" involved either removal of the penis or emasculation (removal of both penis and testicles).
In women, the Skoptsy removed the nipples or the whole breasts. Occasionally, they simply scarred the breasts. They also often removed the labia minora and clitoris. They did not use anesthetics."
I guess one consolation is that cults that fail to reproduce don't tend to last long. The Shakers also had that problem.
I started noticing it had many of the hallmarks of a proselytising religion about ten years ago. When I started mentioning this online, my impressions were confirmed. It was only when I sought out other people who'd noticed the same thing that I realised there were lots of us; that many people had already noticed what I;d noticed, and had articulated their observations and their resistance to it much more coherently than I could.
Gender ideology is a conquering religion and their adherents act like religious fanatics.
Cults by definition involve false beliefs. They need that level of control and defense against questioning because otherwise their beliefs will be shown to be false. Other topics can be discussed because they don't involve false beliefs. Someone doesn't need you to believe they are black for them to be black (except Rachel Dolezal). But if you don't believe TWAW, they're just men.
I can barely even step a foot onto my Twitter feed without seeing some post along the lines of this sort of phrases/words “t4t yaoi/yuri kys transfem, tmasc, etc.” I don’t even use the platform anymore because I find it to be stressful for myself.
Curate your feed
Lots of cute animal videos to be seen on there
Funny, TiP on Reddit claim that it is us, not them, who are in a cult (with zero evidence, i.e. the trans way!)
I did this ages ago, but have since added new things (slanted Catholic, because it’s what I know):
Trans church: TQ+ captured schools, organizations, and workplaces that force trans DEI sessions with a trans priest.
Trans priests: Trans / TRA politicians, celebrities, influencers, and teachers who push trans ideology.
Trans acolytes: Trans / TRA children and adults upholding trans ideology (pronoun usage, trans values, etc…) even in the absence of any actual TiP.
Creed / Profession of faith: “Transwomen are women; transmen are men; non-binary identities are valid.”
Transubstantiation: Penis into “vagina,” man into “woman,” etc…
Religious symbols: Pronoun pins, trans shirts, trans flags, trans stickers, etc…
Confession: “Forgive me, for I have misgendered…”
Apostates: Detransitioners. Consequences involve being instantly abandoned by the trans community, being slandered as a “faker,” and suffering the same fate as infidels.
Infidels: Anybody who refuses the trans religion and/or speaks out against it. Consequences involve threats of violence, actual physical violence, stalking, cyber-stalking, and doxxing.
Why is it that trans is the most controversial topic out there
Because I have lost so much faith in the press, universities, government, people, etc
For supporting this stupidity
https://archive.is/FKwdl / https://www.critorix.co.uk/essays/cults-deception-and-the-woke-left/
. . .‘Transgenderism’ plays on the feelings and deepest desires of trans[sic] people, and recruits them into an effort to persuade society to accept its two fundamental axioms: trans women are women, and sex work is work.
But this is just one component of the ‘woke’ thought-reform program, which aims to queer society to destroy and then rebuild it as a totalitarian system. But it’s all done with sugar and spice and all things nice – until you disagree with the management. Or, as I like to call them, The Great Penis Cult.
. . .6 Conditions for a Thought Reform Environment
- Deception – Keep the subject unaware of the hidden agenda
- Destabilisation – Control the subject’s physical environment and ‘thinking time’.
- Dependency and Dread – Create a sense of powerlessness, anxiety and fear
- Disconnection – Suppress the old behaviour and attitudes
- Developing the Cult Pseudopersonality – Elicit new behaviour and attitudes
- Denial and Dedication – Maintain a closed system of logic and restrict criticism.
In my experience, this is a problem with far left and progressive people in general. They're very into following whatever opinion is currently trendy in their circles without thinking too much about it
I see a lot of people around my age (30s and 40s) who are old enough and educated enough to know better. But still act like Tumblr Teens online. They fly into a tizzy if someone politely disagrees with them (even if that person is a long time friend or family member). And they parrot the bullshit about trans children always existing in these current numbers even though they're old enough to know FIRST HAND that that isn't true. They parrot the line about TIMs not being a problem in women's sports because their girl souls negate their male puberty. They screech that JK Rowling is the second coming of Hitler whenever Harry Potter comes up in a conversation. They totally for real cared about Ukraine; until it stopped being trendy and they started simping for Gaza for more upvotes. Etc...
People like this are just sheep. Once the trans thing is no longer en vogue, they'll move on to the next fad and virtue signal about that instead
Back when we were kids, instead of "trans kids", a lot of kids were just not gender role conforming, and that was ok.
I grew up hoping nobody would blink anymore if a girl wanted to dig in dirt and play with cars. Now they're telling those girls they might be a boy instead.
We had a brief golden period in the 90s and early 2000s when a girl could be a tomboy and nobody cared.
I very much agree with this take. I think anyone of any level of education or intellect or political stripe is susceptible to falling into cult thinking/ outsourcing their reasoning to a trusted authority or what have you.
But I think people on the "left" have been particularly representative of this laziness because for decades they have been told that they are "good people" and morally right and correct for thinking the thoughts they've been fed.
So it's that laziness coupled with self-righteousness and feel-good-ism reinforced by education and media. They are kind of worse than sheep, they are fatted pate lambs who can't be shifted from their lazy heuristic because their livers have been pumped with the happy fats of ideology their whole lives. They haven't had to defend their ideas since they just take as given that they are correct, their ideas are as natural as the blue sky and the green grass and that makes them good people. They can't reflect on anything because there's never been any reason to.
And then they get online and go into the arts (expressing their feeeelings and their lens on reality) or STEM (mechanical repetition) and the fields that might have taught them questioning and logic and reflection (humanities and letters) have been so overtaken by ???? that all those people learn these days is evidently how they did a racism they need to atone for and how to do a queer as penance and how to activism.
This is so dangerous I don't know if it's really possible to overstate it.
Yes. When "everyone gets a trophy" and "all ideas are valid," nothing is really trophy-worthy or particularly valid.
I think this is why educated people fall into this nonsense. They're so used to deferring to authorities and experts that they've lost their ability to question them. If a trusted authority told them that the earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese, they would parrot that line without question (and call you an idiot for saying that its wrong)
I think this is why conservatives tend to be stronger in debates and more tolerant of people who don't neatly fit into a conservative box. Unless they live in a completely red bubble and never consume popular media, they HAVE to encounter dissent and defend their conservative views on a somewhat regular basis. Right wing echo chambers do exist. But they're harder to maintain than a leftie echo chamber (and this was especially true before Musk bought Twitter)
There’s an interesting book I recently read called Kill all Normies that talks about how we got here.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll look into it!