RantTrans doctor “afraid” tribunal hears...
Posted February 6, 2025 by Itzpapalotl in GenderCritical

Just seen an update on BBC about the nurse vs trans doctor in the changing room and apparently he (the doctor) was left feeling “afraid”...of what? My blood is boiling because this MAN has no reason to be “afraid” whereas all the females forced to change in front of him have every reason to be scared of the fox (cox? 🤔) in the henhouse.

As someone who has experienced male sexual violence, I certainly would be afraid if I had to change in front of or around a male, I’m sure the nurse was genuinely uncomfortable and possibly afraid...and then she got suspended for stating the reality that HE is a MAN in the FEMALE changing room. Seriously.

And now this fucking pervert (he is 100% a pervert for forcing his male fetish on his female colleagues) has the audacity to say he was “afraid” ...of WHAT? Women pointing out his maleness? Of being told to go back to the men’s room? How dare he. He should be AT LEAST struck off for voyerism and exposing himself to female staff.

I feel so bad for the nurse, she is very brave for speaking up and honestly fuck the BBC for their biased reporting and simpering/pandering to the men’s rights movement that is trans. So sick of this shit.

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