Sam Rockwell never misses. Walton Goggins is his equal here.
Also, what a typical white male expat in an Asian country.
For anyone who hasn't watched, here is the scene being discussed!
'then I got it into my head that'.... uh huh 'made myself look like one of these Asian girls'.... uh huh
All credit to Lilith-Fair, she posted in TV, but I want everyone in GC to savor the deliciousness. this is a nuclear bomb in the culture wars.
A character candidly discusses AGP and the temporary nature of his desire to “be an Asian girl”.
To have one of the most critically regarded shows openly discuss this is stunning.
I assume Mike White is secretly one of us. In the last season, there was a quick, edgy joke about non-binary college kids.
So so hilariously smartly written!! The character began by saying he has a thing for Asian girls. The audience were led to think he had an old fashion Asian fetish. Walton Goggins' expressions throughout while listening were priceless!!! (His character Rick is so pathetic I didn't like him--meaning the character--much but this scene totally redeemed him for me just for the expressions alone!!!)
Chelsea (Rick's character's girlfriend) is awesome!
That scene was gold. The faces he was making are literally the same faces we all make when we first learn about AGP 😆
Leave it to Sam Rockwell to make a Walton Goggins character seem normal! 😆👌🏻