RantAMIE Ichikawa, from KPSS, is saying incarcerated women are losing hope.
Posted March 20, 2025 by Carrots90Nepo Lady in GenderCritical

Any idea how to help?

Maybe if we make a KPSS, keep prison single sex circle we can send articles to? She can reference this instead of searching herself?

From Twitter (ie X)


The women I talk to in California prisons have almost all given up. They’ve lived in this hell for 4 years with no change and it’s very difficult to convince them how hard we are working when the only news they have access to is the local mainstream media. I have been so consumed by my own depression I haven’t sent in information like I used to. I would send in at least 5 copies of every article proving that there is a fight happening on a grand scale it’s just muted by the media. They need to hear us on the radio and see us on the news. It’s the only way to keep the troops on the front lines from throwing up the white flags. Please help if you can. They have to know.

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