RaveDiana Alastair @sappholives83
Posted March 20, 2025 by StrawberryCough in GenderCritical

I only look at X via Sotwe, but Diana Alastair is one of my favorites. She posted this recently:

By parading around acting out their male perspective of womanhood, and claiming that doing so makes them women, men mock and demean us. They have appropriated and warped our culture, and they have stolen the words that we used to define ourselves.

It’s a common colonizer’s trick, and these men are colonizers: they have come, uninvited and unwanted, into places that do not belong to them. They have claimed - without any right to do so - that our spaces are now their spaces too, and that they have the sole right to decide who can and cannot use them.

They have taken blatant sexual advantage of both those spaces and the women who use them. They have denied us the right to self-identify. They have demanded that we cease gathering on our own, prevented us from creating our own services for our own community, and after forcing us to allow them into our private spaces, they have predictably used that access to sexually assault and sexually exploit women and girls.

If we do try to gather together in spite of their demand that we desist, they show up in a mob to howl abuse, shriek threats, and drown out our voices so that we cannot hear each other speak. They have called for - and carried out - violence against us when we refuse to comply with their appropriation of the things that were ours. They have inundated every prominent GC woman with threats of death and rape, attacked our gatherings, punched old women in the face, and tried their best to lynch Kellie-Jay Keen.

They’ve taken women’s livelihoods, had them arrested, and tried to invade and take over every single thing we have, up to and including womanhood itself — and like all colonizers, they pretend that the natives who don’t comply with their agenda are a threat to their safety, and use that as an excuse to attack. Oh, and they think they’re the good guys.

Did I leave anything out?

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