I was doing a little idle scrolling and read a blurb about a statue for the Ferry Building Plaza in San Francisco. Of a woman. And I was intrigued because the sculptor (a man) was quoted saying he chose a woman as the subject because there are very few women depicted in public art.
I clicked through and it’s going to be a 45 foot high NAKED WOMAN. La sigh. I mean, why do all the women have to be nude? The longer article explains that the artist has become prominent at Burning Man and got into the large scale there and also? So many of the women at BM were close to or fully naked and no one mentioned or noticed it.
Which, sir. That’s mentioned IN EVERY ARTICLE ABOUT BURNING MAN.
And then I flashed on the statue of Mary Wollstonecraft, which is a big hunk of metal with a tiny naked woman arising out of it.
It’s not just me, right? All over there are large statues of famous and not so famous men and they have clothes on.
But the women? GOTTA BE NAKED, even a statue about the first feminist. Ugh.