GC Social MediaAn idea for those on Twitter: use the hasthtag #Ovarit if you post gender critical content
Posted March 24, 2025 by Sweetsummerchild in GenderCritical

Many of us from this community are already on twitter and probably more women will migrate there after Ovarit is closed, so by using and following the hasthtag #ovarit maybe you can reach the same community with your gender critical posts. I know it's not the best solution but it's something... And we can also use the circles' names as hashtags, some of them are already widely used by GC people on social media: #ThisNeverHappens #TransLogic #ItsAFetish #TerfIsASlur #GenderCritical #WomensLiberation #Radfemmery #GoodNewsForWomen #NameTheProblem

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