A final goodbye to Ovarit 💚
Posted March 25, 2025 by Itzpapalotl in GenderCritical

Below is a poem I wrote some years ago now, I share it now as a parting “goodbye” for all the brilliant, brave women of Ovarit.

There are so many familiar names and it has been such a lovely, women-centric community - I have laughed A LOT, cried on occasion and definitely learned so much about true feminism and sisterhood over the years I’ve frequented this site.

I’m not sure I’ll use any other platform so...goodbye sisters, goodbye Ovarit, thank you for everything.

What is a woman?

The clothes we wear?

Perfect makeup and styled hair?

The purse we carry?



Stereotypes and gender feels?


We are women,

In blood and bone,

In every organ and chromosome,

We are women,

Born, not bred,

NOT an idea in a sick man’s head,

It doesn’t matter how you feel,

Woman is not your word to steal,

Our bodies aren’t yours to appropriate,

Our female biology is innate,

You bully and push and colonise and take,

But feelings do not a female make,

We are women, female, distinct from you,

No amount of terror can change what’s true,

WE are women, strong and proud,

Lies are lies, however loud,

The truth WILL out, the cult will fail,

Women are female, NEVER male.

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