Maybe trans women are women, though?
Posted April 1, 2022 by lavenderamethyst in GenderCritical

April Fools!

Men are men. End of story.

Happy April TransFools day, gyns đŸ’œđŸ€đŸ’š


estinaMarch 11, 2022

Send him a thank you note, or thank him in person! It's important for people to realize that their words make a difference, especially for people who can't speak up as easily.

[Deleted]March 11, 2022

Hundred percent agree with this.

TortoisemouseMarch 11, 2022

Yes please do this.

shewolfoffrance🩕March 11, 2022

Does anyone else think gender-neutral terms for female anatomy aren't really for the benefit of TiFs? I think it's more often a result of a desire to validate TiMs by decoupling the female body from womanhood. Generally speaking, the TQ community focuses 90% of their time and energy on TiMs.

LOriginedumondeMarch 11, 2022

I agree. It’s so ironic how the only time TiFs are in the spotlight is when they’re pregnant. Yet, they allegedly can’t cope with sexed terms for female anatomy. Make it make sense.

[Deleted]March 11, 2022(Edited March 11, 2022)

Wait until they get annoyed at the term pregnant, because it says female somewhere the definition.

Edit: Bingo: (of a woman or female animal) having a child or young developing in the uterus.

bojackieMarch 12, 2022(Edited March 12, 2022)

Yesterday, I saw an Instagram post by a TIF who is contemplating pregnancy and a person in the comments said "baby carriers". I was wondering why they didn't say "pregnant people" but my guess is they are shunning the word "pregnant". I wonder if they will be happy or panic when the anti-abortion start using that language.

As a joke I sometimes suggest they say "gestational host" but now I'm afraid people will use it unironically

[Deleted]March 12, 2022

I’ve carried lots of babies, in my arms.

[Deleted]March 12, 2022(Edited March 12, 2022)

“Baby carriers” sounds like an inanimate object, like a stroller/pram.

LilianHMarch 12, 2022

Gestational carrier is what surrogacy companies call mothers.

OneStarWolfMarch 12, 2022

That’s pretty awful 😞

Cats4ScienceMarch 11, 2022

Absolutely agree! I commented this a few weeks ago:

This is what drives me crazy and the Reddit discourse around “inclusive” language (that only applies to women’s issues) is such a motte and bailey argument. The Reddit transbians claim that inclusive language is to be considerate of transmen and non-binary females (the motte) but their real position is they don’t think the word "woman" should be associated with physical biology at all because it excludes them (the bailey). Case in point - nobody ever seems to care that the term "men" is used to describe male physical biology because the argument has never been about being "inclusive" and is always about redefining women and our experiences to include porn-sick males that fetishize our lived realities.

MelkoraMarch 12, 2022

Yeah! The "gender neutral" language is one of the most sex-specific things ever.

FutureBreedMachineMarch 11, 2022

I think so too. Otherwise, they would have just started including TiFs and NBs in women's health stuff. For instance, the title for an article regarding menstruation wouldn't refer to women as "menstrators", they would just say "women, transmen and some NBs". Or use AFAB or something. But no, instead of trying to actually be inclusive, they chose to be dehumanizing.

TortoisemouseMarch 11, 2022

You know what? I think you're right. I could never quite put my finger on this before now but that's it. It's not about TiFs at all. It's about TiMs wanting to smash up the meaning of 'woman' so they can reassemble and re-appropriate it for themselves.

shewolfoffrance🩕March 12, 2022

I could never quite put my finger on this

Me neither. If it were purely about TiFs, no one would care. That's what stood out to me. It's not that TiFs don't want or advocate for this kind of language, it's just that TiMs, being male, always get the megaphone.

sealwomynMarch 11, 2022

Oh 100%. If you have sex dysphoria and your reproductive system is a source of visceral horror, the last thing you want to hear is being called a uterus owner, menstruator and bleeder, etc. Like great, constantly being addressed in degrading terms by the very anatomy that makes the world see me as a mentally deficient broodmare will definitely help me with the feeling of wanting to die about being cursed with those organs! It's all for TIMs to feel centered.

pakilezMarch 11, 2022

Yes. So TIMs don’t feel left out in discussions of women’s health.

[Deleted]March 11, 2022

The trans men don't even like being referred to by these terms. It shows how much this movement is not for them.

platypusMarch 12, 2022

This is a very important point. In fact trans ideology didn't start catching on with the mainstream until it started gaining popularity in the lesbian community in the 90s. The movement is 100% dependent on the support of women. If TIMs can't use TIFs as a defense shield, if they can't point to TIFs and say "see, she wants this too!" the whole ideology crumbles. The whole thing hinges on TIFs as a shield for TIM depravity.

Champagne_LasagneMarch 11, 2022

Make it 99%, and the 1% left is just to pretend they give a shit about TIFs

shewolfoffrance🩕March 12, 2022

Yes. Speaking bluntly, no one gives a shit about TiFs. In spite of the warp-speed increase of young girls seeking transition, MSM attention is all about celebrating adult TiMs who suck up money, time, and energy that should go to females.

notyourfetishMarch 12, 2022

Nothing they do is for the benefit of TIFs aka women.

shewolfoffrance🩕March 12, 2022

Yes. At the end of the day, they still know only penis people are human.

MelkoraMarch 12, 2022

Of course the "gender neutral" and "inclusive" language is surprisingly very sex specific and aplies only at women. No TIM (or TIF if it comes to it, but we all know, no TRA cares about what TIFs say) have ever complained, that prostate cancer shouldnt ne called men's health issue, because "not all men have prostate and not all prostate-havers are men".

pennygadgetMarch 12, 2022

This is absolutely true. If gender neutral terms for anatomy were necessary to alleviate dysphoria and allow trans folks to access health care, then they'd be making the same demands of doctors who treat MALE health problems. But you don't see them harassing urologists to call penises "pee pee sticks" because its not about compassion for trans people. Its about colonizing and erasing a female only space/experience

GrimeldaSMarch 12, 2022

I've seen a lot of TIFs claim to dislike this language as it lumps them back in with women again. Mostly seems to be a trans woman/TRA ally thing for the obvious reasons

SuddenlyRamenMarch 11, 2022


[Deleted]March 12, 2022
goatsauceMarch 11, 2022

I consider myself progressive, though the kind of progressive that's based on improving the material reality for people rather than validating everyone's feelings. For that reason, I'm not surprised your most progressive professor sees through the bullshit. People who actually want to change the world for the better see how much things get ruined when everyone is lost in the weeds of identity politics and squabbling, because anyone who actually does this kind of work can tell you that you have to learn to get along with a lot of people who have different goals than you and a different world view, even if you're on the same side. Someone who actually values progress can see the regressive mentality behind eliminating the concept of femaleness, making fascist demands about pronoun compliance, and foisting harmful trans medical practices onto homosexuals and people with mental health issues and fetishes in order to "cure" them.

GoodGoneGirlMarch 11, 2022(Edited March 11, 2022)

I’m not at all surprised that he’s critical of gender ideology (in fact I had a strong suspicion just based on the way he talks about science). I’m pretty surprised at how well-informed he was though. When I say progressive I mean it in the true sense of the word. I just felt obligated to mention it because many men who speak out against gender ideology are of the conservative, anti-woman kind.

goatsauceMarch 11, 2022

I'm very glad you mentioned it! I think people need to see that we're not a bunch of extreme right-wing conservatives who are just against what they see as the next civil rights movement, but that we're actually mostly on the left as well. The people who won't even entertain the radfem/gender critical perspective don't want to see that, in fact, our position is farther left than their own in most ways, and more grounded in reality to boot.

[Deleted]March 11, 2022

People who actually want to change the world for the better see how much things get ruined when everyone is lost in the weeds of identity politics and squabbling, because anyone who actually does this kind of work can tell you that you have to learn to get along with a lot of people who have different goals than you and a different world view, even if you're on the same side.

Love this. So true

ClarbgMarch 11, 2022(Edited March 11, 2022)

Identity politics is not the problem, the problem is gender identity ideology. Remember that feminism, gay rights etc these are all "identity politics". For most humans, our identity is extremely important to us.

HollyhockMarch 11, 2022

Agree. I'm also a progressive (like the universal healthcare kind) and agree how we can see the regressive behavior.

Nediljka_OrwellPITA croneMarch 11, 2022

Is there a TRA mob at your school that will go after him?

You should let him know that his stance is appreciated, and that you've got his back if anything comes of it.

GoodGoneGirlMarch 11, 2022

He did get challenged by a couple of libfems but they I don’t think they’re the kind of people who are out to destroy anyone’s career. Honestly, they just seemed confused.

[Deleted]March 11, 2022(Edited March 11, 2022)

It's really depressing that this man was standing up there saying "Women deserve to be able to identify themselves as something other than "the opposite of men" and women in the class responded "No we don't!" Female socialization is hell.

bellatrixbellsBoobatrixRexMarch 11, 2022

In this case I think it's more the cult effect than female socialization.

[Deleted]March 11, 2022

I'm sure reality is quite confusing to mix in with the bullshit regurgitated talking points they've built into their framework of the world

Nediljka_OrwellPITA croneMarch 11, 2022

"Wait. Whut?!"

ShulamithShibbolethMarch 11, 2022

"We're telling the truth now?!?"

actualdykeMarch 11, 2022

one can only be so progressive before peaking, in my opinion. like if you're actually progressive, you start seeing the red flags in gender ideology pretty fast bc it's the most backwards, misogynistic shit anyone could come up with. good for him & good for you - hopefully there's no TRA crybaby's in ur class

IronicWolfMarch 11, 2022

‘Dictate how others see you’

This is such a great point. Many have tried - literal dictators, among them - but you can’t control another person’s perception.

zuubatMarch 12, 2022(Edited March 12, 2022)

I am reminded of the early 1990s, when diversity(r) first became a buzzword in corporate circles. These "trainers" came in to explain that we needed to ditch the golden rule - Treat others as you would have them treat you - and replace it with something along the lines of Treat others as they want to be treated.

Shucks, then we should treat others as royalty - cast our eyes downward as they approach, bow/curtsy/whatever - and they should do the same for us. How would that work, exactly?

On a more serious note, I soon got the feeling that these re-education camps "diversity" sessions were mostly about persuading female employees to be even more deferential to males from hyper-regressive cultures coming to the west to work in tech. Or maybe the whole thing was just a red herring.

Either way, there was nothing progressive about it.

[Deleted]March 11, 2022

Oh I love this. GC academics need to speak up in droves! Power in numbers.

yesisaiditxxMarch 12, 2022

Is he a young maverick or an “I’m too old to give a fuck” professor?

GoodGoneGirlMarch 12, 2022

He’s pretty young.

TomyrisMarch 12, 2022

I too want to know this