DiscussionAnyone else getting tired of the whole woke "oppression hierarchy" thing?
Posted May 8, 2022 by [Deleted] in GenderCritical

This is in regards to trans issues, race issues, sex issues, LGB issues and basically everything. What I mean by this is the woke crowd saying that MOC are more oppressed than white women, LGB have more privilege than the TQ and so forth.

It also feels like these categories are constantly changing, except the most oppressed ones are always Black and brown trans women (side note: has anyone here met a Black/brown trans woman irl? I know 1 Black TIF but thats it, all the TIMs I know irl are white + 1 Asian) and most of the time trans women in general🙄 So according to the woke crowd, a rich, famous actor, Laverne Cox (a Black TIM) is literally more oppressed than some poor Ukrainian kid fleeing war right now.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm getting really tired of the whole victim hierarchy thing. We can acknowledge that racism affects MOC and while it doesn't affect white women, it doesn't mean that MOC are higher on the oppression scale. The peak of this was probably that tumblr post from years ago, might've been a troll but I don't know, saying that MOC can't rape white women because rape requires power and white women hold power over MOC. Obviously thats wrong on so many levels I really do hope that it was a troll, but whats concerning is that I actually have seen similar sentiments irl.

I feel like perpetuating this victim hierarchy thing is doing a disservice to everyone. Thats why we have straight people trying to identify as some sort of demigirl/queer/NB because they feel like they can't comment on societal issues unless they belong to an oppressed group. I also feel like this is the same reason why some white people try to claim Black/Native/Asian heritage from like 5 generations ago, because they think it will give their arguments more legitimacy.

I don't even remember how this became a thing, because I feel like this is relatively new in societal discourse. I have to admit that I am pretty young, so maybe its been like this before and I just don't remember, but it feels like when "woke stuff" became super mainstream, people started making these confusing hierarchies.

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