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touchmenotMay 24, 2024

That entire thread is utterly disgusting and made my stomach sink to my toes. I'm unsure why I read the archived link, perhaps out of morbid curiosity, but I did.

You have a valid point that's why when I say fuck {insert bigot variant here} I specify not in a fun way. Most people imply the not in a fun way. Also I keep getting told trans women like myself are good in bed imma have to test that theory when I see my partners next.

Transbians are good in bed, I promise 🙏 my transgirlfriend just fucked me and oh my lord

My gf can confirm that ... She says I have Magic Fingers.

My girlfriend has a magic dick, ngl

Holy shit she did it! She found the right dick! AND SHE’S STILL GAY. SEE THAT FUCKWITS?

Utterly disgusting.

[Deleted]May 24, 2024(Edited May 24, 2024)

I typically laugh at the things TIMs posts, but this thread got to me, I’ve been depressed all day. The only positive is that it peaked a lot of lesbians.

touchmenotMay 24, 2024

OMG I'm reading that thread now!

Sucks that the mods locked the topic. Those wusses lol.