That entire thread is utterly disgusting and made my stomach sink to my toes. I'm unsure why I read the archived link, perhaps out of morbid curiosity, but I did.
You have a valid point that's why when I say fuck {insert bigot variant here} I specify not in a fun way. Most people imply the not in a fun way. Also I keep getting told trans women like myself are good in bed imma have to test that theory when I see my partners next.
Transbians are good in bed, I promise 🙏 my transgirlfriend just fucked me and oh my lord
My gf can confirm that ... She says I have Magic Fingers.
My girlfriend has a magic dick, ngl
Holy shit she did it! She found the right dick! AND SHE’S STILL GAY. SEE THAT FUCKWITS?
I typically laugh at the things TIMs posts, but this thread got to me, I’ve been depressed all day. The only positive is that it peaked a lot of lesbians.
What is a TERF? "TERF" supposedly stands for "trans exclusionary radical feminist" but the term is used as a slur against anyone who disagrees with a proponent of transgender ideology.
We're documenting the hateful rhetoric directed at lesbians, radical feminists, gender critical feminists, and others on the internet and beyond.
All posts must exhibit "TERF" being used as a slur or harassment or violence against so-called "TERFs."
Please upload images or archived links. It may be appropriate to link to original sources in the comments, but this circle is an archive and we don't want examples disappearing when pages on other sites are removed.
/o/ItsAFetish: documenting examples of fetishism (primarily autogynephilia) within the trans community and discussing implications from a feminist perspective
/o/TransLogic: a radical feminist circle documenting the various illogical, incorrect, misogynistic, racist, and otherwise caustic rhetoric spouted from TRAs themselves
/o/Cancelled: cataloguing the attempts (generally by those in some position of power) to silence those who speak out against the queercult
"The trans-invented term of TERF invites violence against radical feminists and other women who won’t get with the transgender program. Their branding of women as TERFs is a form of trans hate speech that attempts to shame radical women and provoke compliance with trans activists’ demands." –Janice G Raymond, Doublethink
That entire thread is utterly disgusting and made my stomach sink to my toes. I'm unsure why I read the archived link, perhaps out of morbid curiosity, but I did.
Utterly disgusting.
I typically laugh at the things TIMs posts, but this thread got to me, I’ve been depressed all day. The only positive is that it peaked a lot of lesbians.
OMG I'm reading that thread now!
Sucks that the mods locked the topic. Those wusses lol.