I'm not surprised a lot of men still support him - from being a teenage girl myself I've experienced just how many men are predatory and don't really care about age or how their behaviour makes girls feel. It's unspoken in our society but a lot of men think nothing of lusting after and pursuing underage girls; when you combine that with a hatred and dehumanisation of girls and women, there you have it. Men protect men and men hate women, it's the ugly truth.
I saw someone say the other day (not on here) that R. Kelly was sexually abused in Hollywood as a child, like we're supposed to feel bad for him or it's a justifiable excuse for what he's done.
I was sexually abused when I was twelve. And then I went on to spend my entire adolescence being preyed upon, leered at, groped, and harassed by grown-ass men. But for some utterly bizarre reason, I did not grow up to rape and enslave a shitload of women, nor did I marry any child brides.
Could it be that R. Kelly, despite his trauma, is just a shitty person?
I'm so sorry you went through all that. :( I had very similar experiences when I was young. I won't get into them here, but I always felt the eyes of older men leering at me like a piece of meat. Even as an adult, I had a guy who within ten minutes of me meeting him, run his hand forcefully against my vagina and tell me I "could have had some dick" when I said I didn't want to go to his room. I have so many other stories like this from the time I was 12 or 13 onward. And I certainly didn't go around abusing other people like that.
I do feel for R. Kelly for any sexual abuse he went through. No child should ever have to experience that. But it's not excuse to continue to molest and abuse other girls and women. He's not taking responsibility for what he did and I have no doubt he's still a danger to women. He deserves to be in jail.
Jada Pinkett Smith released a video addressing R. Kelly when he first got arrested- his music suddenly started selling like hotcakes. It wasn't people re-watching his videos on Venmo out of morbid curiosity. No, it was BUYING his music in solidarity. She asked where the solidarity was for his victims. I remember crying watching it. I could understand the morbid curiosity, but to go out of your way to send a multi-millionaire even more money than he already had? To prove what a loyal fan you are, when he doesn't know you from Adam? I just couldn't understand it.
Good riddance. After Cosby and Depp, its nice to see at least one of these celebrity scrotes get what he deserves.
I hope they place him in the general population. Pedos are the bottom of the totem pole in prison....
The bar is so low I'm just happy he received any time.
Robert's crimes have been public knowledge for years. I'm especially disgusted at home black people defended him at every turn.
It was both men and women. Apparently all the teen girls were sluts who wanted to be famous. 🙄
The adult women should have known better as if adults can't be victims.
Of course he lured them in with his fame, that itself shows the victims' naïveté. No one lets pedos off the hook if a child followed them because of the candy.
Are they.... jealous that those women were picked to be abused, as in, they "should be thankful for the opportunity"?
I can't believe how long he has gotten away with it either. He had sex with Aaliyah almost 30 years ago! She was barely a teenager at that time. He has always been a predator and he should have been put away long ago.
Yeah, I think Aaliyah was 14 -- 14!!!!
If you look at all her pictures with him during that time, she looked so fucking miserable. The pictures always gave me the feeling of her being kidnapped by him and in the pictures she just looks angry and so helpless.
I wouldn't be surprised if he controlled everything she did. He was so much older. She probably was miserable.
OMG--just had a terrible thought. Could this sex-trafficker/rapist now self-identify as the opposite sex and enter a woman's prison to continue his abuse? What would be stopping him in these insane times? "Progressives" would applaud, pat themselves on the back, and the ACLU would represent him.
So, more than Ghislaine Maxwell. 🙄
They should both get life imo
We all know Maxwell will have a "mysterious suicide" any time now....
Maxwell could do one good thing in all this and that is to name the names of all the MEN who were part of the sick, abusive Epstein tribe. Hand over her list of the well connected, powerful rapists who took part. It is strange she hasn't done this already, making a deal with prosecutors.
Maxwell could do one good thing in all this and that is to name the names of all the MEN who were part of the sick, abusive Epstein tribe. Hand over her list of the well connected, powerful rapists who took part. It is strange she hasn't done this already, making a deal with prosecutors.
Presumably, she's worried about what will happen to her if she snitches (and she doesn't think that even witness protection can save her). But, lets be real, she's destined to be murdered by the same scumbags who got Epstein no matter what she does. So she might as well try to redeem herself by naming the men who turned her into their scapegoat.
Oh no, it will be MUCH worse.
She will probably serve far less time for reduced sentences, time served, and get early release for being a "model prisoner". She will most likely spend less than a decade in jail. We can only hope she gets Epsteined. It's what she and Kelly deserve.
I wouldn't shed any tears if she got Epstein'd. But I would much prefer it if she lived long enough to sell out her fellow pedos and calloborators (even if it meant she got a short sentence). It likely won't happen (and if she named people, it would likely be hidden from the public anyway). But a girl can dream...
Yeah, I want her to sing like a canary for minutes off her sentence. She's a very bad person, for sure, but I want the men she enabled behind bars as well.
Even though Maxwell is a piece of shit in her own right; it still bothers me that a woman is serving as the scapegoat while 99% of the men who participated in Epstein's rape cult won't even get outed, let alone prosecuted
A youtuber I follow said that the list of Epstein island visitors will likely never be released, because there are just too many very powerful and rich people on there. It would grind the whole country to a halt if that many key players would be taken out. So it just won't happen. And the media are ignoring it so the people forget about it.
Its so fucking sad. Maxwell could have gained some level of redemption if she had released those names herself when she was still free (like, plaster them on every website and phone pole she could find). Yeah, she would have been murdered for it. But that's probably gonna happen eventually regardless
He wouldn't have had so many victims if there hadn't been so many enablers over decades. Backup singers, sound engineers, record producers, agents, managers etc.
30 years will never be enough. Let's see how long he last. A large percentage of prisoners HATE Pedophiles.
I can't believe he still has fans. So many people will still support him, even after this. At least he's locked away now.
Bill Cosby Syndrome.
I can't even think of anything he's done past the 90s. And his more recent stuff is more enjoyable via other people's covers. I can't believe the dude still has fans ardent enough to stan for him despite these horrific charges
People still support him? OM! Insane.
Uh yeah. There are people all over Twitter saying 'free R. Kelly" and that "it's been 30 years and there's not a single piece of evidence against him." They're in some major denial.
They hate men who mess with little kids. They are a lot less likely to have an issue with men who mess with underage girls who have technically adult bodies.
This same mentality was why police wouldn't put Black girls and teenagers on Amber Alerts. Somehow our children just ran away because of the Slavery Myth of the hypesexual Black girl.
When Black women talk about Structural Institutional Racism in the Justice System this is one of the problems.
VS Black boys who get sent to juvenile detention centers, while their White counterparts get slaps on the wrist and community service.
Yeah lol it’s been disturbing the types of men I’ve heard over the years making some kind of argument like “haven’t you seen some of these 14, 15 year old girls out there? I wouldn’t know for sure if someone was illegal!”
And it’s like one…you put your dick in someone without any clue as to their actual age when you at least acknowledge she’s for sure no older than 20? Two, you have no sense of the mannerisms and personality difference of an 18 year-old vs. a 14 year-old one? If that’s the case you’re either so old they’re both children to you anyway or you’re dumb. I don’t buy it, and if you don’t buy it the next argument is something about how she was enthusiastically going along with it 🤢
PS had a lot of older guys hit on me when I was too young— 12-16? and when I would tell them my actual age they’d claim they thought I was older but they never seemed genuinely shocked. When I’d be like 17-18 really? really!? as a 13 year-old they’d laugh and smile and say “well at least 15-16”…uh huh…but guys I was just “mature”!!
Years back I attended a class with a mother-daughter duo. The daughter I thought was maybe 20,21? She was tall, very pretty, beautiful figure, very fashionable. But she seemed a little off. Kind of goofy, maybe even slightly delayed?
When I found out she was 15 it all fell into place.
You can think a person looks old enough - though not old-old, still younger than you - but if you actually have a conversation with them, things change.
They know exactly what they're doing. Men are sick fucks.
I looked at this video about how they took advantage of Alicia (the Clueless girl) by moving her parents out of the way and then basically molesting her on-screen (so many old-ass men were kissing and groping her in her early movies).
Months later, I am still disturbed and wishing I hadn't looked at the video. But men see nothing wrong with it. Anything that makes their pee pee hard is a-okay, and women aren't people anyway, just things.
Yeah, I think he will be just fine in prison, honestly.
I just kinda assumed they were looking for someone to beat up and it had nothing to do with empathy.
I saw so many men wringing their hands about this case and the only objection they could think to make was "why didn't Ghislaine Maxwell only get 20?" Like they are clever or something. Some even admit they think his sentence is too heavy. Like.. not nearly heavy enough, man should never be free again.
Ghislaine also should have gotten a ife sentence too.