If you don't support abortion, I don't give a shit about your opinion on it. This isn't your place to air it and discuss it. We don't police posters on their opinions and stances, but this site isn't the place for people who are opposed to abortion to advocate against it.
Women should never be forced to host someone else in their bodies against their will. This is a basic human rights issue. Even though there are many other instances where people might be forced to sacrifice their bodily autonomy and health, or even their own wishes for their organs after death, to promote or save the lives of others, this is the only one that is seriously and frequently debated and contested in law. This is due to misogyny. Women are expected to sacrifice themselves for children, it's what certain people think we exist for. Even dead people have a more uncontested right to bodily autonomy than pregnant women.
We specifically laid out in the rules that this kind of misogyny is not allowed.
No promotion of bigotry, hatred, or violence
We do not allow misogyny, racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, ageism, or ableism, including against the mentally ill.
We do not allow the use of slurs against oppressed or marginalized people, including misogynistic slurs such as “bitch” and “cunt,” and all homophobic slurs and racial slurs. We also do not allow slurs used against trans-identified people such as “tranny” and “troon.”
Additionally, we do not permit the use of dehumanizing language used against any group of people, such as “pigs in wigs,” “frankenwomen,” or calling groups of people subhuman. Truly degrading descriptions of people’s bodies or body parts, such as “axe wound,” are not allowed.
It is against this rule to promote misogynist policies or practices which are harmful to women. This includes the promotion of prostitution, pornography, paid surrogacy, BDSM, and restricting reproductive rights.
Promoting acts of violence is prohibited.
Rules are boundaries. Discussions on this site are all moderated according to the rules. Moderators have to step in and enforce rules in any conversations on the site. I don't want to protect people who are "just explaining their perspective" (on why women shouldn't have bodily autonomy) from incivility from others. It's not "civil" to call women murderers or imply that they are for having had abortions. It's not possible for this discussion to even meet many of our standards.
Don't start banned fights. Don't encourage other people to start banned fights. If you see someone breaking the rules, please report it.