Pundit Rashid Richey went in hard to go after "Citibike Karen" and demanded the hospital that she works for fire her. He had prolonged interviews with other men about how dangerous this woman was, and how she was a danger to her own fetus. (Not the dudes manhandling her). He and his male guests all agreed they wouldn't want her near their newborns. So now, during a nursing shortage, there is one less neo-natal nurse devoted to her job. Great news for medically fragile babies in New York. These men have done a great service for their community by defending their skeevy brethren.
Except it didn't have the effect he was aiming for- her lawyer provided the receipts and now she's suing. He can't even count on public opinion as he'd hoped. If social media is anything to go by, this has caused a mass-peaking of sorts about the whole Karen/White Tears thing. People are actually pretty furious.
Now Rashid Richey is claiming that maybe this pregnant nurse had "good faith reason to believe the bike was hers." He insists that it's still yet to be proven, which is just pathetic. And he pleads on his own behalf about why it was an honest mistake on his part- please allow him to "contextualize the problem."
Except here's why you can't, Dr. Richey.
It was always terribly, terribly unlikely that a single woman, let alone a pregnant woman, would rob 5 blokes. Here's a list of things that are actual things.
All of these things exist because of male violence. It very rarely happens in reverse because, simply put, women do not have the physical strength, socialization, or psychological wiring to commit these crimes. MEN are the ones who perpetrate them.
There is no evidence, none at all, to say that men of color do not commit violence against women and girls.
The whole "white women's tears" puts emphasis on the women part. It's one of the oldest tropes of misogyny- that women fake cry to get their way on something trivial, not that they are actually crying because they are being abused. If you believe women's tears are a thing, Dr. Richey, it's because you don't believe male violence is a thing.
This problem is getting a bit beyond your ability to handle, Dr. Richey, because some of us are catching on that while women's tears are not a thing, men's tears are. They work like this: abuse a woman, then cry that you feared for your life when she went public or called the police. Cry about how you feared for your reputation, or were scared the cops would come over and shoot you dead. I mean, you weren't scared of all that as you were abusing this woman, of course. But now that the consequences are rolling it, claim that you are.
The sad thing is, it often works. There are plenty of handmaids that will make complete fools of themselves to cape for abusive men.
But sometimes it doesn't.
Like this situation.
As it is damn near physically impossible for a pregnant woman to rob 5 full-sized blokes (late teens and early 20s, so peak strength to boot) it was never reasonable to think it happened that way. The only way a person could buy it is if he or she had very irrational, bizarre beliefs about women. Beliefs that come from a hateful place. And not just beliefs about white women in particular, but women in general. If you believed that a white pregnant woman could take on 5 peak-strength dudes, then you believe that of all women.
There's context where you come out looking good, Dr. Richey. You didn't have the foresight to realize that this could easily be proven with online receipts. But either you don't believe male violence is a thing, which makes you a misogynist, or you don't care, which makes you a misogynist.
I hope you are a target in the lawsuit. I hope you lose endorsements, possibly your channel, and otherwise enjoy the cancel culture you've inflicted on others.
I hope this seriously undermines your life's work, actually. Not just as a stain on your record, mind you. I hope people doubt everything you say after, and consider you at best feeble-minded or a misogynistic liar. I hope it's thrown in your face repeatedly, and I hope your friends throw you under the bus to protect their own image.
Meanwhile, this whole Citibike debacle is a good example about why we still need feminism and feminist analysis.