Personally, I don't believe in left or right or center. Politics is a giant morass of ideas and we agree on some things, but not on others. Forceteaming doesn't only happen with the TQ, it's inherent to the idea of their being a "left" or "right" side. And the idea of the "center" being the rational position is quinessential middle ground fallacy.
I think we're going to keep running into the problems we have until we as a society learn to work with people we hate. Not just disagree with, but believe hold actively abhorrant positions. Because the world is too big to be absent of people you hate, and when you can't avoid them (say, when they are participating in the same political system you are), you have to be productive with them.
What do you think about the left-center-right framing of politics? What do you think about working with people you hate?