pothosvari_July 10, 2024

Women were likely to be included in the fifth batch of conscripts

They’re not giving these women protection from being raped in their male dominated military, but they still think it’s acceptable to draft them?


The political and economic rights they had for a decade are rapidly disappearing

They’re not even giving these women the same rights as men.

VestalVirginJuly 11, 2024(Edited July 11, 2024)

They’re not giving these women protection from being raped in their male dominated military, but they still think it’s acceptable to draft them?

As does every other country that drafts women.

(Israel is an especially outrageous case. As I recently learnt, they draft women, but do NOT draft ultraorthodox MEN. One of the latter was interviewed in a newspaper I read, and quoted as saying that he didn't think that the "rough tone" of military men was a welcoming environment for ... wait for it ... ultraorthodox males. He also complained that there is no strict separation of females and males, as he says,he as ultraorthodox male would require if he were to be drafted - no word on WOMEN needing to be separated from men for basic safety. Completely up his own arse. Israel is now considering the drafting of the ultraorthodox, but it really showd that the misogyny is off the charts that ultraorthodox men can get out of military service, but women - except, I guess,when they're ultraorthodox - cannot.)