RantWhy Harris-Biden are not serious about abortion
Posted October 5, 2024 by WrongToy in WomensLiberation

If they were, they’d be yanking Medicare and Medicaid funding from hospitals that refuse to treat women whose water broke or are in sepsis on top of it. At 15 weeks, the fetus has no chance, just as an ectopic pregnancy has no chance. A couple of hospitals get put on probation and every other one would fall in line.

If they were, they could have by now easily encouraged doctors to make misopristol a standard adjunct in older nsaid patients at risk of ulcers. That was its original use, and I for one was denied when I asked my Kaiser doc. She wasn’t even familiar with it. I could get an ulcer right now thinking about it.

Kamala just went campaigning with Liz Cheney and praised Dick, literally. The younger Cheney has a 98 percent pro life rating.

This suggests to me that Kamala, Gavin, etc are just out to milk abortion for however much fear porn.

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