*I dunno if this is the right circle, please let me know if it isn't
One of my main interests/passions is animals and nature, and I've always been fascinated by animal behavior. I'll usually watch nature docs and read books but sometimes I'll watch those Kruger sighting or other safari videos on YT to see the raw, more gritty side of animals. 80% of those videos are predators hunting and making kills and they're often pretty damn gruesome, highlighting how cruel nature can be. However sometimes I'll see in the comments of such videos saying things like "oh look at what those hyenas/lions/whatever are doing to that poor animal, and hippies say were worse than them" or "or humanity is so cruel we should be like nature! Nature:" and when I see those comments, I realize how ignorant they truly are. Yes we are animals, but what other animal hates and subjugates the females of the species only? What animal only commits infanticide against female babies? What male animal when encountering a mother only kills the female and leaves the young behind(When the young are right there with the female)? What animal kills the female of its species for no genuine biological reason? What animal has a culture which completely undermines and underappeicates the female sex at all times? That's right: just humans, so yes I do think humans are worse than animals.