showerthoughts - no one and I mean NO ONE would give a single shit about a "female loneliness epidemic"
Posted January 29, 2025 by crodish in WomensLiberation

They called us crazy cat ladies for that and we dealt with it just fine.

Why the fuck are men in the spotlight for and given a pass for this?

And so many times they say "lonely" when they really mean "I can't find a living sex object to fuck". There were articles of these moids all saying they had friends and work and social circles, just no girlfriend or lasting relationships.

You aren't "lonely" you're just a masive turn off because you see women as fuck holes instead of people. Dying alone is what you deserve.

Or start bromances maybe, I don't know. If women won't provide you cuddles and fucks why don't you get it from other men who want the exact same thing. So much demand and supply and yet none of you are acting on it /s

(yes i know heterosexuality is a thing but fuck men)


OwnLyingEyesJanuary 29, 2025

Men are lonely? Women need to lower our standards. Women are lonely? Women need to lower our standards.

The whole concept hinges on an unspoken understanding that having women in their lives tends to be a huge asset for men, while men tend to bring so much less to the table that women need to be bullied into putting up with them, but framed in a way that still manages to blame women instead of giving us any credit for it.

LavenderskyJanuary 29, 2025

The whole concept hinges on an unspoken understanding that having women in their lives tends to be a huge asset for men, while men tend to bring so much less to the table that women need to be bullied into putting up with them

Right. And yet they call us the ball and chain. haha more projection as always.

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

And they never say what it is they'd be doing with all that freedom minus the "ball and chain".

FernLadyJanuary 29, 2025

We already see what they’re doing via the epidemic of loneliness: gaming in their basements, being angry on the internet, watching porn, and being generally a curse upon society

As my friend has said before: we used to send the incels off to the crusades

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

Ha, yes!

Foxyglove8January 29, 2025

Exactly. We consistently see that divorced women are happier than divorced men for example and none of these men seem to think huh wonder why that is......

TheChaliceIsMightierJanuary 30, 2025

I saw a comment from a man on FB yesterday that I've seen all over the internet: "A man will sacrifice his happiness for his family, a woman will sacrifice her family for her happiness."

So men are acknowledging that marriage is miserable, and yet they still want to force it on us and themselves? And also... It's not like women never see their kids again after a divorce. That's usually the dad. So sacrificing the family how?

appletreeJanuary 30, 2025

Studies on how cultures allocate resources proves just the opposite. Men spend time and money on luxuries and status markers for themselves. Giving resources to men often makes little difference in the standard of living of his family. Giving women resources greatly improves the lives of their children, as she spends the money on improving the family standard of living. FB man, unsurprisingly, is full of shit.

TheChaliceIsMightierJanuary 30, 2025

They always are

CattitudeJanuary 30, 2025

I always presume the men are supposed to be "sacrificing their happiness" by doing jobs they hate (as if women don't also do that). But what good is having a permanently miserable or angry man around? There's every chance he'll take it out on the family anyway.

TheChaliceIsMightierJanuary 30, 2025

A miserable man does not suffer silently

CattitudeJanuary 30, 2025


LillithJanuary 29, 2025

Wow I never even thought of it like that.

drdeeisbackKabbalist BarbieJanuary 30, 2025

Susan Faludi's Backlash is excellent on this topic.

NastasyaFillipovnaJanuary 29, 2025

Women lonely, women get cats.

Men lonely, men blow shit up.

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

"Dogs are man's best friend" but none of the scrotes doing this whining get a dog for company (probably just as well for the dogs). No, it's no-effort sex on demand they want.

immersangJanuary 29, 2025

And ironically enough, getting a dog might actually help them meet women and connect with them. I have heard about people meeting others through their dogs many times. Of course, they would actually have to get their asses out of the house and to the dog park then.

legitimatewrenJanuary 29, 2025

I have met so many people through walking my dog that we see regularly. Mostly I don't actually know their names, they're just "X's owner" 😂

immersangJanuary 29, 2025

That just made me think of one of my favorite tweets ever:

I have lived next to the same guy for 3 years. Thought his name was Steve. I call him Steve. His name is Steve in my phone. I've been to his apartment. We've had dinner.

His name is Brian. His dog is Steve.

Could totally happen to me. 😄

legitimatewrenJanuary 30, 2025

Same! 😂

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

Love it! 😂

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

I find I am more likely to remember the dog's name than the owner's when we've been introduced, especially if the dog's a breed I rarely see.

StrawberryCoughJanuary 29, 2025

I have several good friends who I met through dog walking, and a whole broader circle of neighbors. It's a lifesaver.

StrawberryCoughJanuary 29, 2025

I used to call my friend's spaniel "Chick Magnet". Because she was!

somegenerichandleJanuary 29, 2025(Edited January 29, 2025)

yeah, i told this one guy i had friendzoned after meeting him on a dating app and he lost his job and was having medical issues. Anyway, he saw how much i liked my cat and he'd never grown up with animals and he wanted to try fostering. Then he got involved with rehabilitating pitties, which is fine. But, since he had used me as a reference, he'd always ask me to take care of the dogs while he was out. So i would go to his house and walk these dogs in the busy city that probably weighed more than me and had violent issues. I really should have said no. Oh gosh, and his neighbors didn't leash their dogs in the park near his place. Which i wouldn't normally care about people leashing their small spaniels, but i've got an unpredictable dog here.

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

Scary, I'd never want to be responsible even for a short time for big dogs.

LilacSandwichJanuary 29, 2025

Great catch on 'crazy cat ladies'! It really is the exact same thing, isn't it?

When women are lonely it's because they're crazy bitches, and when men are lonely it's also because women are crazy bitches.

somegenerichandleJanuary 29, 2025

I saw a touching segment on reuter's recently. Women were celebrating the moon festival (aka their new year) with their lap dogs at a fancy restaurant hosting the event. Big groups of them, like over a dozen. Not a guy other than the restaurant staff in attendance. I was so happy for them.

CattitudeJanuary 30, 2025

That sounds great!

FutureBreedMachineJanuary 29, 2025

Of course not. That's happening literally right now. There isn't a "male loneliness epidemic", there's a loneliness epidemic in general but society decided they only care about the male aspect.

Artemis_Lives🏹January 29, 2025(Edited January 29, 2025)

It's more of a male entitlement epidemic than anything. Men's "loneliness" is their own fault for not fostering real friendships or support networks. They stay indoors playing video games and watching porn, and expect the world to come to them. When you put no effort into helping your situation I won't be feeling sorry for you. 🤷‍♀️

JehaneJanuary 29, 2025

This. My best friend has been single pretty much forever, mostly because she has a talent of falling in love with guys who are either taken and then cheat on their wives or girlfriends with her, or ghost her after a few dates because they don't have enough patience to wait but want a decision on the first date. She doesn't open up all that easily to begin with, and when there's disappointment after disappointment, it doesn't help at all. Instead, she has wondered for the longest time what the fuck is wrong with her (nothing, in my opinion) and why men are so terribly shallow. Add a rather small circle of friends to that, all of whom are in relationships and have nine-to-five jobs (my friend is an author, so her days are structured differently) and generally very busy lives... what you get is a very lonely fifty-year-old woman who constantly doubts herself. But hey, male loneliness is much more important 🙄

ToNorthJanuary 29, 2025

Seriously, so many people are lonely and a lot of women too. Male loneliness has to do with not having access to a live in slave, and women's is not having friendships and relationships(because everyone wants to use you or some shit!).

JernsaxaJanuary 29, 2025

This is the truest I've read all day!

real_feministJanuary 29, 2025

cat ladies don't start wars.

StrawberryCoughJanuary 29, 2025

I need this bumper sticker

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

So do I!

RappaccinisDaughterJanuary 30, 2025

Or shoot up shopping malls...

rowlingismyqueenJanuary 29, 2025

I think there is one going on right now. To put it lightly, there's a shortage of good men who are worthy of having a long-term relationship with. I live this firsthand, and I know so many amazing women who are single or have settled. Nevertheless, you don't see women killing themselves or other people over it because we are not selfish nor destructive.

CharliXXJanuary 29, 2025

I have two friends who left really solid relationships with good, handsome men who ended up settling for doofuses with anger management issues a few years later. They really thought the world was full of good, handsome men and not that they managed to sit on a needle in a damn haystack that one time. Nobody listens to me lol.

verysimplequestionJanuary 30, 2025(Edited January 30, 2025)

Awwww man ! 🤦🏽‍♀️ that sucks to hear . Especially since bc it also gives ammo to manosphere talking points that allll women love to do that very thing!!! At least you tried to talk some sense into them .

CharliXXJanuary 30, 2025

nobody in the manosphere is good or handsome, so it doesn't apply to them! haha And both those guys found great girlfriends almost immediately so they don't really have anything to complain about anyway

DahliaJanuary 29, 2025

I also think it’s so telling that when men do start their own “movements” it’s never to better themselves. It’s always incel shit like MGTOW. Rather than support each other, they up the cruelty and hatred towards women a thousandfold. They don’t work on themselves and everything is always women’s fault. Time and time again, men go out of their way to show how reprehensible they are, completely unprovoked.

It’s such a bright silver lining of being a lesbian. I never have and never will have to give a single fuck about these ogres and it is beautiful.

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

And as we used to say on another site a decade ago, nobody would be upset if they did go their own way, but they never do. They're like kindergarten kids standing on the porch yelling "I'm gonna run away from home!"

shewolfoffranceJanuary 29, 2025

Yes. When men complain about women "destroying male spaces" I always want to ask what's stopping them from starting an all-male running club, or going camping with an all-male friend group, or having poker night with the guys. It isn't really about male camaraderie, it's a pathetic attempt to manipulate women into feeling sorry for them.

JehaneJanuary 29, 2025

Except that more and more women don't take them seriously when they start whining, at least in my circle of friends. For example, there's a women-only clinic in Vienna, with private doctors (and hence expensive) who tread women only, focus on medicine that is cut out for women... men's reactions? "Booo, that's unfair, what about our health, we don't get to live that long!" Women: "No one's stopping you from setting up an all-men's-clinic, and your health is your business. Live healthier, you live longer." Men: "Noooo, that's not unfair, and besides, you get to retire sooner, and you don't have to serve in the military, and why are there women-only clubs..." Women: "Then do something about it and stop complaining, sheesh 🙄" Or they don't bother to answer at all because it's a waste of time.

shewolfoffranceJanuary 29, 2025

"Booo, that's unfair, what about our health, we don't get to live that long!"

I mean, a lot of drugs are tested solely on men. Seatbelts in cars are designed with male bodies in mind. The male body has been the default for medical research in most cases.

you get to retire sooner, and you don't have to serve in the military

Do they want women in the workforce or not? In the military, or not?

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

It's like the rare occasion when a man sets up a men's shelter - it closes because it's neither supported nor used.

JehaneJanuary 29, 2025

That's the next thing with all this whining. Once someone actually goes ahead and does set up similar spaces for men, they're like "Nah, we're men, we don't need that... but if women have something like that, we'll go all cry baby because... because reasons, that's why!"

SpinstaaJanuary 29, 2025

There’s this semi well known man in my country who is dead now, but he was a MRA type and he set up a men’s DV shelter in his home or something like that. Basically that’s what happened , barely any men used that resource and the ones that did were alcoholics/drug addicts who needed a place to stay.

CattitudeJanuary 29, 2025

I don't remember the name but I think that's the bloke I had in mind!

ItzpapalotlJanuary 29, 2025

Stupid women for gaining the right to education and careers. Those are man things! /s 🙄

WomanwithopinionsJanuary 30, 2025

When men complain about women "destroying male spaces" I always want to ask what's stopping them from starting an all-male running club, or going camping with an all-male friend group, or having poker night with the guys. It isn't really about male camaraderie, it's a pathetic attempt to manipulate women into feeling sorry for them.

I've been thinking about this, and I think it's because men are scary fuckers. And they know that. Men are dangerous to each other, and they, just like women, want to avoid violence of men. So why would they have a club? Yes, some women are scary too. But in general, you mostly feel out other women and tend to know if you feel comfortable trusting them or at least hanging out with them in a casual setting. Whereas that's not the same for men. I think in the back of their minds, men are thinking, "which one of us is a serial killer or might go berserk and start trying to beat the shit out of another one of us?"

shewolfoffranceJanuary 30, 2025

So why would they have a club?

Hmm. Well, to absolutely steelman this argument, I would say that atomization of society (people moving away from hometowns, moving fairly frequently for work, getting most of their entertainment and socialization through a screen) has hit everyone hard over the last few decades, not just men. That said...

Men are dangerous to each other, and they, just like women, want to avoid violence of men.

I do wonder if men are hesitant to invite each other to hang out one-on-one because they're afraid of being perceived as gay or something. I've definitely heard men say that they really don't open up to their male friends about serious issues or feelings, and everything tends to be pretty superficial.

So, I can't say exactly why they don't just make their own social groups, but my hypothesis is that they just don't want to. I've been part of a church that had separate men's activities that were strongly encouraged, if not strictly mandatory. Based on what the guys who did attend said, the energy was pretty low, the activities tended to be poorly organized, and attendance was often sparse. Generally speaking, men seem more motivated to hang out socially in groups where women will be present, unless the hangout is purpose-driven and attracts people who are highly interested in it, like pick-up soccer or a regular D&D group.

Basically, I think the most of the men whining about women destroying men's spaces just want to whine.

bluetinfoilhatJanuary 30, 2025

They are lazy and don't want to put in the work to organize.

WomanwithopinionsJanuary 30, 2025

The reasons are interesting. But ultimately, it's their responsibility to fix.

StrawberryCoughJanuary 29, 2025

And that is why so many of us feminist straights tried and tried to be lesbians in college. Alas, it seems sexual orientation really is fixed.

bluetinfoilhatJanuary 30, 2025

Very few straight feminist "tried" or wants to be a lesbian.