I couldn't help but picture my mother and grandmothers as I read this, and even the older sisters of people my age.
This is a women-only, women-centered, radical feminist oriented circle to discuss feminism, women's rights, and related topics.
The Sitewide Rules and Sitewide Guidelines are both enforced here. Please read them before posting!
For discussion especially about topics of gender and transgender ideology/politics, use /o/GenderCritical. /o/Activism is for calls to action, including petitions and fundraisers, and /o/FeministEvents is for posting events.
This circle is focused on articles, news articles, and original text-based discussion posts.
Please do not directly link to misogynistic content to start discussions about it. This includes people saying wacky things on social media sites as well as articles that are misogynistic.
Most images and videos belong in other circles, as do most articles about male violence, as do many personal posts or rants/raves:
For discussion about Ovarit, check the meta circles:
Advertisements for Discord chat rooms or other private groups must be pre-approved by /o/WomensLiberation moderators before you post. Please report any ads for private groups that do not have a comment from a mod confirming that it is approved. Never give anyone sensitive information that could be used to de-anonymize you without first vetting them yourself. Be careful!
Feminism is the movement to liberate women from patriarchy.
We stand up for the rights of women as a sex-class. Women have a right to bodily autonomy and to set their own boundaries and have them respected. We resist efforts to limit women's reproductive autonomy. We condemn the men who exploit and abuse women in prostitution and pornography. We oppose all harms and forms of exploitation of women and girls, regardless of whether or not they're sold as "choice" or re-framed as "empowering." We oppose the movement to redefine "women" in a way that erases the realities of our lives and makes organizing for our liberation as a sex-class impossible.
"In the radical feminist view, the new feminism is not just the revival of a serious political movement for social equality. It is the second wave of the most important revolution in history. Its aim: the overthrow of the oldest, most rigid class/caste system in existence, the class system based on sex – a system consolidated over thousands of years, lending the archetypal male and female roles an undeserved legitimacy and seeming permanence." –Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex