Posted February 3, 2025 by XXdiors in WomensLiberation
[Post deleted]


OneStarWolfApril 7, 2023

And they wonder why there’s a sudden rise in trans identified shooters??? Look at this shit.

THIS is pure, unbridled extremism that breeds ideological crazies that do mass shootings and terrorism. Listen to the pure misogyny some of those handmaidens are screaming so casually. They’re beyond lost.

I’m feeling the same disgust I did when watching that mob of all white men with tiki torches chant “Jews will not replace us” after Trump in 2017. Both groups are exhibiting unhinged and extreme behaviors and I refuse to recognize such crazed adherence to nonsensical ideologies. This gender extremism will only lead to increases in violence and eventually more death from TRAs hands.

A healthy democratic society can respectfully debate ideas between political factions. This is not it.

Democrats and corporations need to stop enabling this hateful and violent ideology asap before it’s too late.

DurableBookApril 7, 2023

It's honestly been disturbing to me how many left-wing people seem fine with this behavior from "our side."

Well our anger is righteous, they say. Well it's different when you're behaving this way toward bigots. Punching a Nazi is justified violence, after all.

Nah mate.

When the Trump indictment came down, the conservatives all started yelling about precedent, about how the libs would be sorry when this precedent gets applied to liberal politicians. And most liberals I know replied with, "And? We WANT our politicians to be prosecuted if they break the law!"

Yet the same people are fucking silent about this behavior from trans activists. Well, not me. I will say the same thing about these violent TRA thugs as I do about right-wing MRA thugs who behave the same fucking way toward women: you are cowardly and pathetic and your behavior is unacceptable in a free society. You have no place in serious conversations.

CavePaintingApril 7, 2023

The scariest part for me has been the leap from "Punching a Nazi is justified violence" to "We decide who are the Nazis." to "These middle aged feminists are nazis so we can use violence and intimidation against them because they want genocide"

And zero push-back from the legacy media. It really is the far left just making the words Nazi Genocide Holocaust

completely meaningless, applying them to anyone who doesn't believe in gender identity theory.

IshahchaiApril 7, 2023(Edited April 7, 2023)

Well our anger is righteous, they say. Well it's different when you're behaving this way toward bigots. Punching a Nazi is justified violence, after all.

Punching Nazis became acceptable. Then terfs were equated to Nazis. Then, in their narrative, terfs became Nazis. Therefore, punching terfs became acceptable. We say, hey punching people is not acceptable. (Which, except for self-defense, is true. And sucker punching a Nazi is not self-defense.) Then we get called out for “defending Nazis” which they use to bolster their claim that we are, in fact, Nazis.

Given the rampant anti-semitism in the left, plus the fact that so many TIMs had a “Nazi phase,” I’m starting to think it was never about the Nazis.

EavaApril 7, 2023

I'm OK with punching Nazis (I am not advocating for legalizing this, I just don't feel any sense of outrage when avowed Nazis get punched). Thinking people can't change sex isn't Nazism. I think we can make meaningful distinctions between someone actually advocating for the extermination or expulsion of a group of people and believing people can't change sex, no matter how they dress and behave.

If someone said all trans people should be put in camps and killed, I'd be ok with them being punched too.

CavePaintingApril 7, 2023(Edited April 7, 2023)

No, punching a nazi is not ok - because it ends up being the far left who define what a nazi is, and like Ishahchai said, that winds up being women, lesbians, anyone who doesn't believe in gender identity theory.

"It's ok to use violence against x because of their beliefs" - outside of out-and-out war or a self-defence situation where they used violence against you first, it's just never ok. USE WORDS to fight ideas, you don't use violence to fight ideas. I thought that was what pretty much our societies were built on, and what enables us to not live in a Hobbesian state of nature! If there was ever any doubt in my mind that "ok to punch a nazi" was a terrible concept, the lefties I used to love and admire removed all doubt for me. Didn't take long at all for that idea to be abused...

EavaApril 7, 2023

No, we know what Nazism is. It is illegal in Germany, so it isn't something that can't be defined. People misusing the term to target others doesn't mean we don't know what Nazism is. I'm not a free speech absolutist to the extent Germany has managed to stay a free democratic society while criminalizing Nazism and Nazi symbols.

IshahchaiApril 7, 2023

I’m Jewish, so I’m definitely not sad when a Nazi gets punched. I know everyone here knows that words have meanings, and we do make meaningful distinctions. But TRAs don’t. Misogynists don’t. (I know, I know, it’s the same picture.) Equating women with Nazis is a dangerous rhetoric that’s been going on for over thirty years and it’s only escalating - only now it’s coming from TRAs against terfs instead of the right against feminazis. (Side note: I just looked up feminazi to see when it started. I knew it was the 90s but wasn’t sure exactly when. 1991. But the definition that headed the Google results was “a radical feminist.”) A majority of the time now, when someone advocates punching a Nazi, they really mean “a woman.”

Their use of language is especially infuriating to me because their equation of “Nazi=feminazi=radfem” is incredibly insulting to the people (and descendants of those) who were killed/tortured/otherwise affected by the actual Nazis. They are appropriating genocide, another word that has a specific meaning. And, again, I’m Jewish, so it feels very weird to say “hey, maybe we shouldn’t punch Nazis” but when women like Riley Gaines are getting Nazi-punched and her attacker is praised for it, that’s where I’m at.

EavaApril 7, 2023(Edited April 7, 2023)

We all have a responsibility to push back on the misuse of the Nazism both because it is used against people who are by all objective standards, not Nazis, and its misuse dilutes the real evil of Nazism and demeans the reality of the Holocaust.
I do find a certain irony in that Rush Limbaugh popularized feminazi, if he didn't think of it himself, and now people who would step over Limbaugh if he collapsed in front of them, if not kick him, are called feminists Nazis.

AmareldysApril 7, 2023

Yes, that disturbs me as well. It's not OK when we do it either.

ChronicityApril 7, 2023

Two weeks ago, I stated this:

Unfortunately, this cult is so insane there is no way it can be stopped without the violent reaction we are seeing right now. These folks were never going to go away quietly in the night. These self-destructive people are going to destroy themselves publicly, I feel it in my bones.

Then the Hale shooting occurred. Now we are seeing a pattern of violence at organized events. I feel like we’ve entered a new, climactic chapter. The lid is coming off on the most extreme, most deranged casualties of this Ponzi scheme of a cult. All the disillusionment, anger, and untreated mental illness they are poisoned with will be sublimated into warring against those they hate, including themselves. Their self-sabotaging rhetoric is going to increase concomitant with their violent behavior, because they want to incite as much violence from others as they want to inflict. They want to feel persecuted and hated. Being despised gives their lives meaning.

As skeptical as I was initially, I’m starting to lean towards the view that Dylan Mulvaney’s ubiquity is meant to stoke public anger at the trans movement, to promote the narrative that they are a persecuted class. Feelings of trans persecution—> violence from TIPs —> more public anger, more peakings, more policy changes—> even more violence, full blown domestic terrorism, political chaos, social upheaval, crashed economy—> democracy in peril, the rise of tyranny???

I don’t know what the endgame is, but whomever is pulling the puppet strings knows what it wants. We have to try our level best not to let them have their way.

WomanwithopinionsApril 7, 2023

"Feelings of trans persecution—> violence from TIPs —> more public anger, more peakings, more policy changes—> even more violence, full blown domestic terrorism, political chaos, social upheaval, crashed economy—> democracy in peril, the rise of tyranny???

I don’t know what the endgame is, but whomever is pulling the puppet strings knows what it wants. We have to try our level best not to let them have their way."


littleowl12April 7, 2023

Those young women screaming their heads off. On behalf of usually well-off white men. Why?

Do they ever ask themselves "What am I doing here? I'm not even in sports, and Lea Thomas is a guy from a rich family. What is this even about?"

The unhinged, crazed behavior is what I don't get.

Is it just the tantrum throwing that's somehow addictive? Life avoidance? They'll get to their studies and jobs just as soon as they're done protesting? If they have a quiet week, do they get agitated and go and look for something to holler about?

It....seems like a character disorder at this point. As if college students are just addicted to exhibitionistic, abusive behavior and they're even interested in fixing any given problem. Just the excitement of degrading someone, making them fear for their lives.

I'm sorry, but I think colleges need to start kicking kids out of college that pull this crap. It's not free speech- it's the Heckler's Veto and if someone is barricaded in a room because of your actions, that means you were violent. Your feet and hands are not speech.

LOriginedumondeApril 7, 2023(Edited April 7, 2023)

Is it just the tantrum throwing that's somehow addictive?

It....seems like a character disorder at this point. As if college students are just addicted to exhibitionistic, abusive behavior and they're even interested in fixing any given problem. Just the excitement of degrading someone, making them fear for their lives.

I think you hit the nail on the head. People are angry, scared and miserable and so-called “trans rights” gives them a socially ‘acceptable’ outlet to collectively release their rage which they are completely blinded by, and the truly Machiavellian activists terrorists take full advantage of this and continue to fan the flames.

‘Trans rights’ has morphed into trans terrorism and anyone engaging in this type of abhorrent behavior must be dealt with as such. This is fucking disgusting.

littleowl12April 7, 2023

It just hurt to see how many of them were women. I know they're young, but come on.

I've got a very unpopular opinion for Ovarit:

Women are not hard to radicalize against their own interests. The very existence of most religions is proof enough that it's so. I'm sorry, but it really is a serious flaw of ours. Of course men can be radicalized, but there's always something in it for themselves. We'll burn everything we have as a sacrifice for others.

These young women made fools of themselves on the internet for Lia fucking Thomas? They risked academic discipline for him? I mean, maybe not, considering how cowardly universities are. But since this went viral, there's a chance the university might throw them under the bus to show they're doing something if Riley Gaines sues.

In which case, their future careers are fucked.

For Liam Thomas. A happy-go-lucky white guy who, just by his family connections, is more or less set for life.

Don't get me wrong- I don't feel all that sorry for them in the unlikely event that happens.

At best, they're under-performing as students. How do you think their grades are? What if they were actually put to real criteria and not just given good grades from chicken shit professors? Would they suddenly show their asses as crappy students who really don't deserve to be there? I'm guessing so.

University should be a time for personal development. Growth. Skill building. Walking out knowing how to be a kickass, creative adult who is capable. Do these women look like future problem solvers to you? Any of them look worthy of six figure salaries? Would you trust any of them to be your nurse?

Even Mao knew that once he was done with the Cultural Revolution, he had a generation of useless losers that only know how to destroy but couldn't construct an invisible box on a corner of note paper. So he sent them out to the fields to "learn from the peasants" and it was curtains for their futures. They never got degrees, never got those administrative or military positions they were promised. He just dumped them. A lot of those useful idiots were women- eager, talented young women who threw it all away to "defend Mao."

These young women remind me of Mao's little minions during the Cultural Revolution.

They probably think all the online ridicule they're getting makes them martyrs- when actually, they're chumps.

RawSiennaApril 7, 2023

Look at these gleeful idiots in an orgiastic frenzy and tell me how they differ from Mao’s red guard. Mao’s red guard were literal domestic terrorists. Chilling. Horrific.

HollyhockApril 7, 2023

Three women assaulted by TRAs in less than a week.

don't forget the 9 year old kids and teachers shot by one of these trans fanatics.

echo chambers need to be banned online, free speech for all. I have been watching clips of Matt Walsh take down TPA with ease at a Q&A and the only reason he is able to destroy them with such ease and in so few words, is because these people have been allowed to exist in total echo chambers untouched by those different to them, they have never faced the reality of open and free discussion and exchange of ideas, just the incessant chorus of the cult.

freedom must prevail online and off, I am all for destroying all online censorship now, the people can and should police each other as the only cure for fanaticism is social shaming and common sense debate.

VenusBlursedApril 7, 2023

That definitely was an interesting watch and I'm not much of a fan of Walsh. Very clear that those 2 TIMs were living in a complete fantasy, with no feminine or even particularly effeminate traits, just long hair, a bit of lippy and a friend group saying "yaasss Queen!"

[Deleted]April 7, 2023

Who were the other two?

HollyhockApril 7, 2023

Posie Parker and a 70 year old woman at her event.

hate_on_a_plateApril 7, 2023

Not a woman, but Billboard Chris too.

CarthimundiaApril 7, 2023

Thinking about that curly haired dude taking to Matt Walsh, and he says he knows he’s a woman cos every woman in his life tells him he’s a woman. Yeah, mate, and look what happens when women step out of line and say they don’t believe TIMs are women? They get assaulted, screamed at, subjected to a terrifying struggle session. I’m very worried that one of these days a gender critical woman will straight up be murdered.

IrishTheFrenchieApril 7, 2023

I’m very worried that one of these days a gender critical woman will straight up be murdered.

I 100% think it will happen and it's terrifying. They are using kids at drag events and mutilating children to try and whip up anger in the right to get their "Drag Floyd" and it isn't working. So they've moved on to rhetoric that whips up violence in their own followers which will lead to a dead Women's/Children's rights activist.

I bet their main target is Matt Walsh, but he's rich and probably has a lot of security, so it will probably end up being some poor woman with no resources to protect herself.

JenniferLiamApril 7, 2023

It will happen, unfortunately

3 children and 3 adults have already been murdered

[Deleted]April 7, 2023

Oh my god. I feel so bad for her. This is absolute bullshit! She has the right to say and feel how she wants without being assaulted. All of these TRAs who claim they are fighting for trans rights are actively stepping all over the right to free speech for ALL Americans by doing this. They are hypocrites and they are violent ones. Trans right activists are not only a threat to women, they are a threat to America and our constitutional rights.

JenniferLiamApril 7, 2023

Haven't you heard? Free speech is now an evil far-right thing

[Deleted]April 7, 2023

I'm old enough to remember when the ACLU defended Nazis and the KKK on free speech grounds. “I wholly disagree with what you say and will contend to the death for your right to say it.” Anybody remember that being taught in public schools?

Between an illiberal woman-hating left and an illiberal woman-hating right, I feel politically homeless.

Feminist_UsernameApril 7, 2023

"Freeze peach" ugh these fools

alwaysaloverApril 7, 2023

why do TRAs all look and act the same? Hurling abuse at your opponent and shouting meaningless slogans does not bring anyone to your side. And they're all so young too. I'm so ashamed in Gen Z.

millicentfawcettApril 7, 2023

In Mao's regime it was 2 school girls who committed the first murder I believe. I agree with the poster above that this is all getting very close to Red Guard territory now. Especially since Biden and the White House are effectively condoning it.

littleowl12April 7, 2023

Ah, good, you brought up Mao, too.

Women are not hard to radicalize against their own interests. There, I said it. It's the worst ramification of being socialized to Be Kind.

millicentfawcettApril 7, 2023

It's a painful truth. It took me a while to grapple with the fact none of this would have got as far as it has without the complicity of women.

If we imagine for a minute that no woman anywhere had bought into any of it. No women agreeing that men are women, no women calling themselves trans men or non binary, no women transing their children. All that would be left would be some men in dresses parading an obvious fetish and they would have been taken a lot less seriously.

littleowl12April 7, 2023

Men can, will, and do kill us when we don't capitulate. But we cope with that by internalizing it all, convincing ourselves that we're doing the right thing. Even with violence it would be hard for men to keep up the farce if we all just dragged our feet and clearly didn't buy into it.

OneStarWolfApril 7, 2023

Sad but true. It’s heartbreaking watching those young women scream bitch and cunt at one of their own peers just because she wants to swim against other women.

Unbelievable how radicalized they have become in such a short time, and all for the benefit of a majority of white males. They are propping up the sexist stereotypes and loss of safeguarding of all women and children. Most sad of all is that these young women don’t even realize that what they’re doing.

WomanwithopinionsApril 7, 2023

Yes, Bill Maher spoke about the similarities as well. The constant mentioning of "educating" someone who doesn't think as you believe they should sounds very close to the term "reeducation camp." And people were speaking of cancel culture as reminiscent of the atmosphere during the French Revolution.

GenZ-ProWomanApril 7, 2023

Hey now, we’re not all like that. Many of my cohort’s behavior is quite shameful though. The rest of us either don’t think it’s it’s a real issue or are scared into silence (me, unfortunately)

alwaysaloverApril 7, 2023

Yep, I totally feel you as a fellow Gen Z. I just hope that these people will grow out of it.

One of them was screaming at the top of her lungs ("fuck you! fuck you!"). Does protesting have to be so violent and chaotic?

GenZ-ProWomanApril 7, 2023

I remember during 2020 there was a lot of talk about eschewing ‘respectability politics’ around my university campus. While I do think there’s something to that it’s also not an excuse to act like a total asshole. And it doesn’t actually advance your cause to scream and threaten and rampage.

alwaysaloverApril 7, 2023

Exactly! Where did "agree to disagree" go?

SparklingFemApril 7, 2023

I am so angry. I’m generally slow to anger, but I’ve had steam coming out of my ears all morning. Do they not see themselves? Do they not hear how absolutely unhinged they sound? All because a young woman said males cannot become women, that’s all. She didn’t murder anyone, she didn’t rape anyone, she doesn’t kick dogs, or abuse children. She just doesn’t believe humans can change sex. Where is this anger for the men that are the ones assaulting trans women? They are the threat to their safety, not women and our words.

EavaApril 7, 2023

She even used female pronouns when talking about Thomas.

[Deleted]April 7, 2023

Utterly terrifiying, have none of these idiots read Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, can they not understand where failure feel empathy for others and to question your own thinking and actions can lead to some very dark places? They are at a university but have any of them ever read a thing or do they get all their "learning" from 30 second tiktoks? Its like like watching a violent, zombie mob. Why are these people incapable of any sort of conversation and why do the seek to shut up women? I do hope Riley Gaines is ok.

[Deleted]April 7, 2023
JenniferLiamApril 7, 2023

We've reached a new stage, a stage at which tra's are losing and getting desperate. It's going to get really ugly and violent and women may die

NovemberinthechairApril 7, 2023

Maoist Red guard.

WasItSomethingISaidRound EartherApril 7, 2023

Woman in hoop earrings, you know you can run or play tennis or write or paint. There are many ways to sublimate that rage. But you chose to join a mob of idiots and behave as the type of bully I used to see in cheesy after-school specials and think, "This is so stupid. Nobody would be that much of an asshole."

Unfortunately some people really are that much of an asshole.

kalkazar13April 8, 2023

Jesus. Even the cops looked afraid.